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Retroarch overlays and shaders issue + projection mirroring screen problem


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OK friends here is my problem with RA .

1st problem

Retroarch Overlays and Shaders.

I like to use RA my personal shaders/borders/overlays and being using before without problem.

Problem now I am having is when I am loading Gameboy and Gameboy Color with same single Gambatte core.

They are displaying the same overlay and shaders of gb even after I applied new shader and overlay setting to gbc and saved the config. I did not change anything to mys configs nothing and 100% matched the system name. Save to core is set to off. Each time I load GBC it goes back to GB overlay and shader.

If I turn on and use Rocketlauncher overlays than my screen will use both overlays . If I disable RA overlay the shader setting will gone too. What the heck is going suddenly? Tried replacing new config but still exist.


2nd Problem

Recently invested in cheap chinese projector for mirroring hyperspin on big screen.

Everything run just fine except systems with RA.

All my Retroarch systems such as SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA, SEGA are using my own overlays/bezels via Retroarch only. I am not using RL Bezels.

Here is the problem

When I am using RA overlays/bezels my projection screen does not show the game at all but waiting at loading screen.
at the same time Cabinet the game is running fine.

When I turn on the RL bezels and disable RA overlays then the screen cast is working fine.

Again what the heck is going on?

Anyone have clue?

Thank you for reading





2nd Problem


I have solved the 1st problem by using a split core from retroarch forum .

About the 2nd problem anyone have projector in house and tried with retroarch by mirroring the screen using RA overlays and shader ?




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