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Agghhh !! ePsxe & RocketLauncher issue - Help!


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Hi guys,


Im having problems running epsxe through rocketlauncher/hyperlaunch.

The emulator works fine if I open it via the application directly, however when I open it in RLUI I can locate the roms, the emu path is set correctly but when I launch a game I get the following

There was an error waiting for the window "ePSXe ahk_class "EPSX. Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module

I am running ePSXe ver 1.9

I am still a noob so any help is greatly appreciated



It'd be better to ask on the RocketLauncher forums, if you haven't already, as the devs might be able to pinpoint exactly what the problem is.

The first thing I'd do is click on 'Sony Playsation' on the left tab, then click on your 'modules' tab, then highlight ePSXe, and click on the 'launch emulator' button. If it launches right up, then you indeed have the emulator path set up correctly.

The fact that the emulator is not launching implies to me that it is not. But without more information, that's my best guess. Do you have ePSXe as a 'system only' emulator, or a global emulator?


Hi thanks for this


It is set up on the left hand side of RLUI under global emulators, even if i run it direct through hyperlaunch I get the same error.

I really wish I knew what error waiting for the window "ePSXe ahk_class "EPSX meant


Thanks superKarma it worked 

I now have one issue. When iload the emulator and set the vidro plugin to petes d3d 1.77, it reverts to defsult when i launch the application via hyperspin/RL

When I enter the module settings tab and select video plugin I can only see two options petes gpu opengl and epsxe gpu core version 2.0- the same applies if I click on the rom settings tag 

The only other option is to select <default > but this just tries to load petes OPENGL 

Is there a way to load the video plugin that I originally set up?

Thanks so much 


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