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Sharp X68000 WILL NOT STOP throwing ahk wait error


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I'm positively fuming by this point with this AHK error for Sharp X68000.  I load a game, I arrange my discs in-emulator (XM6 Type G,) I launch the game, and then I get "There was an error waiting for the window Options ahk_class #32770" and blah blah turn off Fade blah blah.  This issue wasn't happening the other night when I started getting back into X68000 setup, then it magically started happening, then went away, then came back.  Three times over.  I _do not understand_ what is going on here, I'll try to remember how to embed the latest log in case someone can have a look.  Or perhaps someone can remind me, as it's been a couple years since I had to do that and I've forgotten.  I don't just want to paste that huge log right in.

Also, no matter what I do with the Real/Virtual drive for X68000, I can't get rid of this annoying 'Craig Says Your Rom Path Might Be Named Incorrectly' error either.  Again, wasn't getting this before.  I had to redownload the module file as something got messed up with it.  After that it worked for about five minutes and right back to errors.  I need help, I can't stop this this messing up every time I turn around and it's driving me mad.



This 'your rom path might be named incorrectly' mess is becoming just as bad as the ahk BS.  The tutorial here: https://craigandersonthemes.weebly.com/sharp-x68000.html  instructs to make the rom path end with \Hyperspin Roms_Seagate\Sharp X68000\Roms when Windows doesn't let you use backslash symbols in file or directory names...how is this done?  I'm misreading something and I can't work out what.  I -have- to be messing up something if this worked beautifully before and now it's nothing but errors.  I can't do anything with the Fade Titles as X68000 doesn't seem to have control over that in Hyperlaunch, so that's out.


I was going about the Real/Virtual drive rom path setting all wrong, I realised it's just 4 levels deep and not all one folder name.  So the Incorrect Rom Path error is gone (even...though it wasn't happening at the start...when my rom path was just Hyperspin/Emulators/Sharp X68000/Roms and that was just fine...) but the error is gone anyhow.  But now the bloody thing is trying to open cmd.exe repeatedly upon launching a game.  So it doesn't even -get- to the AHK error, but Hyperlaunch log shows "WinWaitActive - Waiting for "cmd.exe ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass"  and never actually reaches the error phase.  It just cuts off.

Something has gone -bizarrely- wrong.  My other systems don't do this, they work as intended.


Okay, I can no longer even work with it.  Before it was just throwing the ahk wait error, now it's opening random folders and files via a command window, refusing to stop until I ctrl-alt-delete (and sometimes not even then,) AND throwing the ahk error.  I haven't changed anything, haven't deleted anything, haven't misnamed anything, it just -worked- a day ago.  I mean, for a minute.  I tried in Windows 7 and it just throws the ahk error, then tried running Hyperlaunch.exe as administrator, that didn't work -at all- and just added to the problems when attempted in Win10.


Sigh.  It's apparently trying to 'open' whatever window I have operating nearest to Hyperspin at the time of launch.  Web browser if it's that, or it bafflingly navigates to Bezels.ini, opens it, and repeatedly pastes in some line that would normally get written to the Hyperlaunch Log.  This continues infinitely until I close the ini it's defecating on, whereupon Hyperlaunch gives up (but doesn't close.)

Can _anyone_ let me know what is going on?  I've seen my share of BS Hyper errors but never anything this outlandish.  Again, I'd post my log, but it's never the same from one attempt to the next.


It has to be the Real/Virtual Drive thing.  This is the only system that is wired like this, but either option I try results in the ahk error.  If I set it in the module settings to Default or Real, I get the Craig Error (which can be bypassed and the game loads anyway,) then I get the ahk error.  When the disk option is set to Virtual, Hyperlaunch tries to win_wait for whatever window is currently on top (like my web browser or file explorer.)  If it -is- the file explorer, cmd.exe opens the first directory it can find and executes the first file inside it.  If left to a browser page or something it can't execute, it simply tries the cmd.exe window repeatedly until it gives up.

So any of the three settings (and I have to use one of the three, there is no None option) result in failure.  And I don't understand why.  This is on a brand new setup too, I nuked the system from my setup and redid it with newly downloaded database.  Again, this didn't happen until recently.  If I changed some vital component, it was accidentally and I can't work out what it would be.


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