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daphne error only on dragons lair 1,2 & space ace!!1


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hi there when i run either dragons lair 1,2 or space ace i get a error message, all teh other roms run fine, then on new hypersin launch hq i have a ! mark bottom right of screen saying -the following errors must be manually fixed by the user:

1.section/key pair tq/params is duplicated on the ini file. does anyone know what this mean thx , also just to let you know the games run fine when i boot them via daphne loader, many thx in advance

hi there when i run either dragons lair 1,2 or space ace i get a error message, all teh other roms run fine, then on new hypersin launch hq i have a ! mark bottom right of screen saying -the following errors must be manually fixed by the user:

1.section/key pair tq/params is duplicated on the ini file. does anyone know what this mean thx , also just to let you know the games run fine when i boot them via daphne loader, many thx in advance


That means in your module ini file, there are more than one section/keys listed. Please post your ...\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Daphne\Daphne.ini file using code tags as described here:


Thank you,


Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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