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whats the cause of lag with flash player on older pcs


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read this its very intresting

where can i get the hyperspin fowarder


07-22-2013, 01:38 AM

I made a HyperLaunch Forwarder for older HS versions. You can find it on dropbox under the "HyperLaunch Forwarder" folder.

Read the included readme.txt for instructions on how to use.


08-15-2013, 12:52 AM

I have also noticed multiple Hyperspin.exe processes running. I do not think it is closing properly sometimes.

Same here.Sometimes I have to kill it via process explorer to be able to launch it again.This only happens with HS 1.3.2

EDIT: Can confirm no more HS.exe hanging after downgrading from 1.3.2 to 1.3.1.Thanks for the forwarder,djvj :)

sig.png 100%


Regarding the hyperspin issue where processes are orphaned, I discussed this in this other thread:


The solution was to create a batch file to launch HyperSpin (instead of running HyperSpin.exe):

- create a batch file (e.g. StartHyperSpin.bat) and place it in the HyperSpin root directory

- put these two lines inside of it:

taskkill /im /f HyperSpin.exe 
start /d "c:\path\to\your\HyperSpin" /b HyperSpin.exe

The first line issues a task kill to force killing any orphaned HyperSpin.exe processes and the second line forks a new HyperSpin.exe process.

So you should basically see a terminal popup and exit immediately when you run this and HyperSpin should launch a second later :o).

What I did on my system was adding a shortcut to this batch file to my User's StartUp folder. You can even change the shortcut so that it looks more like the native HyperSpin.exe binary (just change the icon and browse for icons in your HyperSpin.exe).

Hope this helps!


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