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Correct rom names creating XML file?


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Hi Everyone,

I saw a thread about this, and of course, now that I need it, I can't find it so hopefully someone can link me to it.

I am making my own XML files using dir2xml, however, I want to make sure my roms are named properly so when I download artwork and such everything syncs up.

Someone had posted about a site that is referenced for the correct rom names for all systems. Does anyone have the link to that? I would really appreciate it.


Hi Everyone,

I saw a thread about this, and of course, now that I need it, I can't find it so hopefully someone can link me to it.

I am making my own XML files using dir2xml, however, I want to make sure my roms are named properly so when I download artwork and such everything syncs up.

Someone had posted about a site that is referenced for the correct rom names for all systems. Does anyone have the link to that? I would really appreciate it.



The correct naming convention is No-Intro for most systems. You would be much better off downloading the proper database xml and renaming your roms with Don's HyperTools. That way, you are sure to get all the available artwork.

The newest beta release is on the FTP in the \Upload Here\HyperTools.

Then grab the database by clicking HyperApps at the top of this screen. Then choose HyperList. Grab the XML and download it into the correct \HyperSpin\Databases\{System Name} folder.

Then use Rename Roms utility in HyperTools to rename your roms to match the xml.

Hope this helps some.



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