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Demul Auto Sort


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My Demul emulator runs 10x better when I check "Disable Auto Sort."  in the video settings.    Running it outside Hyperspin it works great, and the setting saves.
When I run it through Hyperspin, however,  it clears the setting, and runs slow again.
Anyone have any idea how to pass the value through Hyperspin?
I'm assuming through the .ini file, but don't know which, or how.
Help is appreciated.


You didn't mention the launcher you are using,

Rocketlauncher, for example, has a module setting for demul, you can set it up from there.


Yes, I'm using Rocketlauncher.
I am somewhat familiar with the module settings, but I don't see one for the Autosort.



Thanks, I actually went back to the module and found it.  Got it working.

Had to select the module, then "use editor to edit module" (or something like that).

Did a search for Auto sort and changed the zero to a one.

Working great now.  


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