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DesMume not quiting from Hyperspin - Resolved


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Hi All

I have added an NDS emulator DesMuMe to my hyperspin/rocket launcher frontend. All is working in rocket launcher and when I press "Esc" it will quit out of DesMuMe. But when I use HyperSpin, and I press "Esc" it goes out and back to the nds game wheel but I can still hear the Emulator running in the background. I have tried using the autohotkeys (ahk files) to perform the 'Alt+f4' to exit but it just doesn't work. I have tried to mod the module and still it doesn't work. I am using the fork of DesMuMe X432R version. I generally use the "Esc" key to exit all my emulators.  Any help would be most appreciated. Thx in advance. 

Update: After months of fiddling and trying out different settings I've finally resolved this and now can exit using 'Esc' (via my arcade joystick panel) in Hyperspin. The solution is to ensure the actual emulator software is not set to 'run as administrator' as for whatever reason, its not compatible with Hyperspin (even though it is working fine in RockerLauncher). To resolve, right click the executable file of the emulator and click on Properties and go to the second tab and ensure the 'run as administrator' is unchecked. Hope this helps others having a similar issue. 


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