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Building Custom Wheel


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Hello Hyperspin Community,

I've just started using hyperspin (about 3 months) and I finally have my games set up and running from a previous build.

The next thing on my list is to make a wheel for the games I love to play the most across different emulators.

Can anyone help me with this or point me in the right direction for making a custom wheel for the games i like?

thank you,




It's on RocketLancher side.

Create a wheel in HS and then in RL, tie it with a dummy emulator (or a main emulator like MAME) and then edit the game.ini in RL/Settings/the_main_emulator/ to add games.

Like this :


Of course, you need to create secondaries systems. If you don't want them to appears in HS, edit Main Menu.xml in HS/Database/Main Menu and add enabled="0" on unwanted entries.


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