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Supermodel resolution change?


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When I load the emulator outside of Hyperspin using command prompt it runs fine, however through Hyperspin I receive an error message and by looking at the logs, my Open GL is not compatiable at 1024X768.... However it runs fine at the default resolution of 496X384 and it looks fine. I think I am totally over looking it, but I cannot seem to change the resolution for Supermodel. I have read it is in the module, but I cannot find where. It loads as 1024x768, which is what I have everything (Hyperspin, other emulators, etc.) set to. Is the resolution being pulled from a global setting or another location? How can I specify this emulator to run 496X384?

Thanks for your help. If you want any logs, ini, or ahk files let me know.


Well I fixed one issue on;y to discover another.

I got a fresh copy of the supermodel ahk and edited this line from this

resolution := If screenWidth != "" ? "-res=" . screenWidth . "`," . screenHeight : ""

to this

resolution := 1024,768

and now it works, but upon exiting Hyperspin in minimized and it goes to my desktop. Even if I click to restore Hyperspin it will not restore and I must shut off and reboot. So now another issue. I was going to set it up to send an alt tab command, but that didn't work, since for some reason Hyperspin will not restore at all. If I click on it I can hear the video playing and I can use the controls, but no visual.



Well, I changed the transparency, fade, and a few other options with no luck. Here is tail end the HL log, if anybody can take a look and see if anything sticks out to them I would truly appreciate it.

21:17:07:587 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Run - Running: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Model 3\Supermodel.exe "H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Model 3\lostwsga.zip" -fullscreen -wide-screen 1024 -ppc-frequency=50 -no-throttle -input-system=dinput -force-feedback

21:17:07:728 | MD | DEBUG1 | +140 | Module Run - "Supermodel.exe "H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Model 3\lostwsga.zip" -fullscreen -wide-screen 1024 -ppc-frequency=50 -no-throttle -input-system=dinput -force-feedback " Process ID: 2960

21:17:07:728 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: CoverFE | Class: AutoHotkeyGUI | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1024 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x710182 | Process ID: 2876 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe

21:17:07:728 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module WinWait - Waiting for Supermodel

21:17:07:806 | HL | WARNING | +1500 | HyperSpin.exe was displaced to x0 y0 w1024 h768 by SuperModel. It is probably running in true fullscreen mode.

21:17:07:868 | MD | DEBUG1 | +141 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: HyperSpin | Class: ThunderRT6FormDC | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1024 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0xc0128 | Process ID: 4972 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\HyperSpin.exe

21:17:07:868 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: HyperSpin | Class: ThunderRT6FormDC | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1024 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0xc0128 | Process ID: 4972 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\HyperSpin.exe

21:17:07:868 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module WinWaitActive - Waiting for "Supermodel ahk_class SDL_app"

21:17:11:306 | MD | DEBUG1 | +3437 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Supermodel - The Lost World | Class: SDL_app | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 640 | Height: 480 | Window HWND: 0x200190 | Process ID: 2960 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Model 3\Supermodel.exe

21:17:12:306 | MD | INFO | +1000 | Module Process - WaitClose Supermodel.exe

21:17:12:321 | MD | DEBUG1 | +16 | FadeInExit - Started

21:17:12:321 | MD | INFO | +0 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started

21:17:13:321 | MD | INFO | +1000 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended

21:17:13:321 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | FadeInExit ended, waiting for user to close launched application

21:17:21:978 | MD | DEBUG1 | +8656 | CloseProcess started, user requested to end launched application

21:17:21:978 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | ShowFE - Started

21:17:21:978 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | ShowFE - Ended

21:17:21:978 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module WinClose - Closing: Supermodel ahk_class SDL_app

21:17:22:650 | MD | DEBUG1 | +672 | CloseProcess ended

21:17:22:650 | MD | INFO | +0 | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Starting

21:17:22:650 | MD | INFO | +0 | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Ending

21:17:22:650 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started

21:17:22:650 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics:

21:17:22:650 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Total Elapsed Time in Pause in seconds: 0

21:17:22:650 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | gameSectionStartTime:32080734

21:17:22:650 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | ElapsedTime:9

21:17:22:650 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Statistics cleared game name: lostwsga

21:17:22:681 | MD | DEBUG2 | +31 | Loaded game statistics from ini files:

Number_of_Times_Played: 9

Last_Time_Played: Monday September 1, 2014 09:13:56 PM

Average_Time_Played: 13

Total_Time_Played: 114

System_Total_Played_Time: 114

Total_Global_Played_Time: 5246

21:17:22:681 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Updated Statistics: Number_of_Times_Played: 10

Last_Time_Played: Monday September 1, 2014 09:17:22 PM

Average_Time_Played: 12

Total_Time_Played: 123

System_Total_Played_Time: 123

Total_Global_Played_Time: 5255

21:17:22:712 | MD | INFO | +32 | Game section statistics updated.

21:17:22:712 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended

21:17:22:712 | MD | INFO | +0 | End of Module Logs

21:17:22:775 | HL | INFO | +14969 | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally

21:17:22:775 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started

21:17:22:775 | HL | DEBUG1 | +0 | ExitScript - Unhiding taskbar

21:17:22:900 | HL | DEBUG1 | +125 | ExitScript - Putting HyperSpin.exe back in focus

21:17:22:900 | HL | INFO | +0 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor

21:17:22:900 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended



I deleted the bezelexit() line at the end of the module and it now returns to Hyperspin.... weird. It must have been waiting on something eventhough I don't use bezels.


I got a fresh copy of the supermodel ahk and edited this line from this

resolution := If screenWidth != "" ? "-res=" . screenWidth . "`," . screenHeight : ""

to this

resolution := 1024,768

Avoid editing directly the module, as you are going to loose all your changes on module updates, and you will also be more open to unforeseen issues.

You can do the same thing by simply accessing the supermodel module settings on hyperlaunchHQ, and setting the values on the ScreenWidth field to 1024 and the ScreenHeight to 768.

I deleted the bezelexit() line at the end of the module and it now returns to Hyperspin.... weird. It must have been waiting on something eventhough I don't use bezels.

Don't delete the bezelexit line, just set the bezel enabled option on hyperlaunchHQ to false.

If bezel is disabled on HyperluanchHQ, this line will do nothing, however by deleting it, on the eventual case that you have the bezel feature enabled you will have memory leakages and problems while closing a hyperlaunch game.

Also, please post your entire log on the next time, as the partial log is no good in trying to understand if some specific is happening on your setup.

When asking for help for RocketLauncher, POST ON THE RLAUNCHER.NET FORUMS!

Also, please post your RocketLauncher.log with logging level set to troubleshooting in pastebin (set the log level in RocketLauncherUI, global system > General Settings -> RocketLauncher).

Ass. Bleasby - RocketLauncher Development Team.


Well the weird thing is that I had Bezel set to false in HLHQ as a global setting and every system was set to using Global Settings, so I have no idea what was going on, but I knew I wasn't going to use Bezels on Supermodel, so I deleted it and it worked.

I did actually set HLHQ to 1024X768 for Supermodel, but for some reason I was getting an Open GL error with the emulator. I could run Supermodel fine using command prompt with all the parameters (resolution, fullscreen, etc), but with HL it continued to error. That is when I wanted to find where the error was located. I pernamentely fixed it and I am not planning on updating the module unless I do an entire new build. I am giving this to my brother in the next month in a cabinet, so it probably won't be updated unless it breaks down. I appreciate the advice, but I believe that the errors I keep having may be due to the fact that my Windows XP won't install SP3.

Thank You for your help!


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