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Help with Arcade Classics


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Hi seen Arcade Classics around with wheels for Atari Classics,Capcom Classics so on are these all mame am i right in thinking i get a XML then point roms to mame and default emulator mame if thats right whats best way to sort artwork and videos is it to manually copy them from mame folder. Also was looking at wii ware today can u play them with gamecube controller and it it normal Dolphin emulator.


All you really need is the custom XML's, but in order to make them I got the wheel images for the various sets and made my own xml's. then just pointed the roms folder and video location to mame.

PM me I will send you whatever you need to get these working.


Ok just about set this up not very good at XML so if someone can share a Taito Classics,Irem Classics that be great the only other thing is when i click on Atari Classics in hyperspin it says can not find Atari ini think something miss labeled but not sure where to change it


HyperLaunchHQ can play Atari Classics fine but when in hyperspin says can not find Atari ini any help be great still looking for them 2 xmls


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