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Vertical Cabinet Theme


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AFAIK there are only 2 ways to get Hyperspin to run on a vertical cab and neither option works very well. I have run both in my own vertical cab.

1. The Fastest way: rotate your windows desktop so it displays vertically, then in HyperHQ switch the Width and Height values for the window size. (if you're using Soft15K or CRT_EmuDriver this can mess up the rotation options in your driver so you'll need to download iRotate to make it work). For this I also created a new default theme (just plays the vertical video full screen) to replace the default MAME theme since the original default is really designed for horizontal games. (you can my default theme here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=44092&d=1409018630)

PROS: pretty quick and easy to get going, lets you run all of the available themes and hyperspin styling features.

CONS: GroovyMAME wont switch resolutions properly when your desktop is rotated, the only work around is to use iRotate through HyperLaunch to rotate the screen before launching MAME and rotate it back afterwards (I've been personally unable to get this to work without crashing HS, MAME or the graphics driver). Also, all themes and artwork in HS is squished horizontally slightly (or stretched vertically depending on your perspective)...

2. The best running way: Rotate everything in HS, remap your directional controls, adjust the height and rotate all of your wheel images, rotate all of the special art, and then create a theme that displays the vertical videos rotated. jeepguy has the rotated default theme and special art in his FTP folder. He also has rotated "cocktail" style themes and wheel images, or you can rotate the wheel images yourself (I used a photoshop action to batch process all of mine). you'll also have to play around with the wheel position and sizes as well as the special art positions and visibility to get everything to look right.

PROS: GroovyMAME runs and switches resolutions properly, nothing is squished or stretched, no need to mess with iRotate, everything runs well

CONS: it's a lot of work, and you can can't make use of any of the themes designed for horizontal HS. Also the HS wheel looks crowded and there's not much you can do to fix it.

I had setup #1 in my cab initially until I realized that GroovyMAME wasn't working right and couldn't get iRotate to work properly. Then I switched everything over to setup #2... it's less flashy but it works well.

The best solution would be for:

A. HS to support a rotation option, which would automatically handle the rotating of themes, wheels and special art.

B. the HS community to make alternate versions of themes for vertical games adjusted for vertical displays.

C. the GroovyMAME people to adjust their code to interpret vertical resolutions properly.

If A and B are done then it makes C a moot point for HS users. However if C is done then setup #1 above becomes more viable... however it still doesn't fix the theme squishing/stretching problem... only A and B can fix that.


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