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Texas Instruments issue


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Hi guys,

Having a small issue trying to figure out why when I run my Ms. Pac-man.rpk within HS doesn't show on the TI menu to run the game all I get is run the ti-basic but if I run it in MESS outside HS it shows 1 ti-basic and 2 ms.pac-man but for the life of me can't figure why it doesn't show up if I run it within RL.

Any ideas?


I fixed it there was an issue inside the module itself preventing some rpk games from running correctly so I removed part of the command line causing the issue before the -cart1 and wala it runs correctly now!

On my system I just created a modified version of the MESS module just for TI 99-4A games this way the default MESS module stays intact and I can use my modified module to run all the TI 99-4A rpk's and now I am looking into making the selections on the menu automatically once the game runs to make everything load right into the game.


Line 175 in the MESS module reads:

param1:="-gromport multi -cart1", param2:="""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:="-peb:slot3 speech"

But when I changed it to:

param1:="-cart1", param2:="""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:="-peb:slot3 speech"

Just by removing the -gromport multi will fix it so all rpk files will run now correctly. I have tested it so far with every rpk and have had no issues now.

Hope this helps.


Ok, thanks I think I see the problem some rom only carts won't be compatible with the multi cart slot, can you try using this instead and check if it still works:

param1:="-gromport single -cart1", param2:="""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:="-peb:slot3 speech"


param1:="-gromport single -cart", param2:="""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:="-peb:slot3 speech"

One of these should work.


I tested the first one and it worked didn't get a chance to test the second one. One thing that should be added is to send key to skip the TI load screen then press 2 to load the game.

This way the game will load and run from the HS wheel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yeah I know, the module isn't really complete it also needs to deal with loading tape games and I need to compile a MESS build with direct input enabled so I can do any of these. Been busy with other stuff and never got around to do this.

About sending 2 to load the game I thought about that as well, but not 100% sure if all games require the same key or not.


if they are all rpk's then yes same keys. The first on is any key to continue then the second key is the number 2 as 1 is to go into TI Basic.

Might throw in a sleep in between just so you could see the TI Bios screen a few secs then the 2 key to load/run the game.

I get a chance this weekend I am going to see if I can add the key presses into the script just for testing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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