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Future Pinball and Xpadder


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OK, this is driving me nuts, trying to get Xpadder working with Future Pinball, anyone else have issues? I am using a 360 controller Xpadder is fine withh al my other systems. I even tried manually selecting the profile and launching a table and the keys just are not doing anything.

Keyboard controls work fine, mapped left shift and right shift to the bottom right and left triggers on controller, when I press them nothing.


If anyone else is having this issue what I ended up doing is enabling joystick support in Future Pinball and remapping the buttons as L and R wouldn't work.

I set L Flipper to button 3© which is actually X on the 360 controller, R Flipper to Button 2(B) which is B, insert coin to button 6(Z) which is really LB on the controller start game to button 8® which is Start on the controller, special 1 to button 4(X) which is actually Y on the controller, special 2 to button 5 (Y) which is RB on the controller, exit table button 10 which is actually pushing in the right analog stick. I left Button 1 (A) which is really A to plunger.

I wish there was a way to use L and R buttons but they simply seem to have a mapping in the program. Button 7 (L) is Select on the controller and the only one left is button 8 ® which is the left analog stick.

Anyone that can come u with a way to get the L and R buttons on the controller to work let me know.


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