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Sreen stretch/ aspect ratio in MAME32 vs using HyperSpin help


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I recently backed up all my files and reinstalled HS, HL, HLHQ, etc... Also updated using GIT...

I'm having a resolution problem. Horizontal games, such as Black Tiger when launched in MAME32 fill my entire screen (s-video crt TV).

Problem is when I launch the same game in HyperSpin I'm getting black borders at the sides or not filling up the entire screen.

Is there some options in HyperLaunchHQ I can adjust? As I mentioned above, running the game with just MAME32 emu, everything looks good...something in HS/HL is changing resolution or resizing the image.

Any help appreciated,




I think in HyperLaunch you have to set all the resolution, aspect ratio or stretching options to default so it will be handled by the emulator and not HL


I have mine like this, that way everything resolution, aspect related is controled by the emulator


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