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parents only


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I finally updated my MAME to the newest version and when I enable "parents only" and "wheels only" in HyperHQ it's bringing up multiple wheels with variations of the same game. Am I doing something incorrectly? In the past, this allowed me to only have 1 version of the game showing....


You will either have to make a custom XML that doesn't include clones or you can just select "themes only" but this will hide parent games without themes as well.

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


Thanks, bro'. I wiped MAME from the setup and am reinstalling it in hopes of the extra work. Hopefully it's just a weird fluke that'll resolve itself.


Looks like it's doing the trick. If anyone has this issue, wipe the media and hypersync the entire system over again. Sucks, but it's a workaround.


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