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Question about Platinum membership


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Hello. Forgive me if this is plainly posted somewhere... I'm not really good at forums.

It is a simple question, though. I am going to purchase a Platinum membership, just for the easier set up and configuring that it offers. The issue I'm having is, My "gaming" computer I haven't finished building yet. Heck, haven't even ordered all of the parts. It's a W.I.P.

I do have a laptop now, capable of running HS, and what I'd like to know is, if I went ahead and upgraded now, would I have to pay the $45 again for my NEW computer?

As it is a username/password situation - my guess is I can load it onto any computer I own for 100 years.

It's not a lot of money, but it IS money, and want to be sure I hook the RIGHT computer up, you know?

Thank you :)


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