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CD32/WinUAE Error Call to nonexitent function


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If i drop to HL 2.25c then i get can't find rom with provided extension..? on ALL games..!

And on HyperLaunch v3.1.0.5 Beta it runs..? But i dont want to use Rocketlaunch so what can i do..?


Ok got it working by editing the winuae.ahk file although not recomended until i can find v2.0 this will have to do, it's only for CD32 games anyway so i don't need WHLoad paths etc...

MEmu = WinUAE

MEmuV = v2.6.0

MURL = http://www.winuae.net/

MAuthor = brolly

MVersion = 2.1.3

MCRC = 64CDF688

iCRC = 387DD74B

mId = 635138307631183750

MSystem = "Commodore Amiga","Commodore Amiga CD32","Commodore CDTV","Commodore Amiga CD","Commodore Amiga Demos"


; Notes:

; You can have specific configuration files inside a Configurations folder on WinUAE main dir.

; Just name them the same as the game name on the XML file.

; Make sure you create a host config files with these names:

; CD32 : cd32host.uae and cd32mousehost.uae;

; CDTV : cdtvhost.uae and cdtvmousehost.uae;

; Amiga : amigahost.uae;

; Amiga CD : amigacdhost.uae;

; cd32mouse and cdtvmouse are for mouse controlled games on these systems, you should configure

; Windows Mouse on Port1 and a CD32 pad on Port2. For Amiga and Amiga CD make sure you set both

; a joystick and a mouse on Port1 and only a joystick on Port2.

; Set all your other preferences like video display settings. And make sure you are saving a HOST

; configuration file and not a general configuration file.


; If you want to configure an exit key through WinUAE:

; Host-Input-Configuration #1-RAW Keyboard and then remap the desired key to Quit Emulator.

; If you want to configure a key to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode:

; Host-Input-Configuration #1-RAW Keyboard and then remap the desired key to Toggle windowed/fullscreen.


; CD32 and CDTV:

; A settings file called System_Name.ini should be placed on your module dir. on that file you can define if a

; game uses mouse or if it needs the special delay hack loading method amongst other things. Example of such a file:


; [Lemmings (Europe)]

; UseMouse=true


; [Project-X & F17 Challenge (Europe)]

; DelayHack=true


; Amiga:

; For MultiGame support make sure you don't change the default WinUAE diskswapper keys which are:

; END+1-0 (not numeric keypad) = insert image from swapper slot 1-10

; END+SHIFT+1-0 = insert image from swapper slot 11-20

; END+CTRL+1-4 = select drive


; To do that follow the same procedure as above for the exit

; key, but on F11 set it to Toggle windowed/fullscreen. Make sure you save your configuration afterwards.

; Note : If you want to use Send commands to WinUAE for any keys that you configured through Input-Configuration panel make sure you

; set those keys for Null Keyboard! This is a virtual keyboard that collects all input events that don't come from physical

; keyboards. This applies to the exit or windowed/fullscreen keys mentioned above.


; If you are using WHDLoad games, but want to keep your default user-startup file after exiting then make a copy of it in the

; WHDFolder\S (Set in PathToWHDFolder) and name it default-user-startup. This file will then be copied over S\user-startup on exit.




settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . systemName . ".ini"

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)

PathToWHDFolder := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PathToWHDFolder", EmuPath . "\HDD\WHD",,1)

PathToWorkBenchBase := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PathToWorkBenchBase", EmuPath . "\HDD\Workbench31_Lite.vhd",,1)

;Bezel settings

bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Top_Offset","0",,1)

bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Bottom_Offset","0",,1)

bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Right_Offset", "0",,1)

bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Bezel_Left_Offset", "0",,1)

; This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. MESS can play a lot of systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.

mType := Object("Commodore Amiga","a500","Commodore Amiga CD32","cd32","Commodore CDTV","cdtv","Commodore Amiga CD","amigacd","Commodore Amiga Demos","a500")

ident := mType[systemName] ; search object for the systemName identifier MESS uses

If !ident

ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for this WinUAE module: " . moduleName)

specialcfg = %emuPath%\Configurations\%romName%.uae

If romExtension in .hdf,.vhd

DefaultRequireWB := "true"


DefaultRequireWB := "false"

If romExtension in .zip,.lha,.rar,.7z


SlaveFile := COM_Invoke(HLObject, "findByExtension", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, "slave")

If (SlaveFile) {

If romName contains (AGA)


defaultCycleExact := "false"

defaultCpuSpeed := "max"

} Else {

defaultCycleExact := "true"

defaultCpuSpeed := "real"


defaultImmediateBlittler = "false"

defaultCpuCompatible := "false"

defaultCacheSize := "0" ;8192



usemouse := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "UseMouse","false",,1)

delayhack := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "DelayHack","false",,1)

floppyspeed := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FloppySpeed","turbo",,1)

quickstartmode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "QuickStartMode",A_Space,,1)

options := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Options","",,1)

requireswb := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "RequiresWB",DefaultRequireWB,,1)

customwb := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CustomWB",A_Space,,1)

;Chipset settings

videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "VideoMode","PAL",,1)

immediateblitter := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ImmediateBlitter",defaultImmediateBlittler,,1)

collisionlevel := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CollisionLevel","",,1)

;CPU settings

cycleexact := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CycleExact",defaultCycleExact,,1)

cpucycleexact := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CpuCycleExact","",,1)

blittercycleexact := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "BlitterCycleExact","",,1)

cpucompatible := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CpuCompatible",defaultCpuCompatible,,1)

cpuspeed := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CpuSpeed",defaultCpuSpeed,,1)

cachesize := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CacheSize",defaultCacheSize,,1)

cpu := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "CPU","",,1)

fpu := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FPU","",,1)

;RAM settings

chipmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ChipMemory","",,1)

fastmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "FastMemory","",,1)

autoconfigfastmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "AutoConfigFastMemory","",,1)

slowmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "SlowMemory","",,1)

z3fastmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Z3FastMemory","",,1)

megachipmemory := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MegaChipMemory","",,1)

;WHDLoad settings

whdloadoptions := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "WHDLoadOptions","PRELOAD",,1)

neverextract := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "NeverExtract","false",,1)


windowClass = PCsuxRox ;Class name is different depending on if the game is being run windowed or fullscreen

If ( Fullscreen = "true" )

windowClass = AmigaPowah

If (cpucycleexact and blittercycleexact)

cycleexact := "" ;No need to set cycle exact if both cpu and blitter are set as it could lead to inconsistent states

;Fill both z3 slots when amount of RAM requires it

If (z3fastmemory = "384") {

z3fastmemory = "256"

z3fastmemoryb = "128"

} Else If (z3fastmemory = "768") {

z3fastmemory = "512"

z3fastmemoryb = "256"

} Else If (z3fastmemory = "1536") {

z3fastmemory = "1024"

z3fastmemoryb = "512"


fs := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "true" : "false"

videomode := (If videomode = "NTSC" ? ("-s ntsc=true") : (""))

floppyspeed := (If floppyspeed ? ("-s floppy_speed=" . floppyspeed) : (""))

If (requireswb = "true") {

ident := "a1200"

If (customwb)

PathToWorkBenchBase := %EmuPath% . "\" . customwb


wbDrive := "-s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . PathToWorkBenchBase . """"


If romExtension in .hdf,.vhd


ident := "a1200"

gameDrive := "-s hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512," . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"


options := options . " " . videomode

If (ident = "a500" or ident = "a1200") {

If romName contains (AGA),(LW)

ident := "a1200"

If (SlaveFile) {

ident := "a1200"

;Create the user-startup file to launch the game

WHDUserStartupFile := PathToWHDFolder . "\S\user-startup"

SplitPath, SlaveFile, SlaveName, SlaveFolder

FileDelete, %WHDUserStartupFile%

FileAppend, echo "";`n, %WHDUserStartupFile%

FileAppend, echo "Running: %SlaveName%";`n, %WHDUserStartupFile%

FileAppend, echo "";`n, %WHDUserStartupFile%

FileAppend, cd dh1:%SlaveFolder%;`n, %WHDUserStartupFile%

FileAppend, whdload %SlaveName% %whdloadoptions%;`n, %WHDUserStartupFile%



hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class " . windowClass,1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

;--- Detecting what Configuration File to use (Or Quick Start Mode) ---

If FileExist(specialcfg) {

;Game specific configuration file exists

configFile = %romName%.uae

} Else {

;Game specific configuration file doesn't exist

If (ident = "cd32" or ident = "cdtv") {

configFile := If (usemouse = "true") ? ("host\" . ident . "mousehost.uae") : ("host\" . ident . "host.uae")

quickcfg := If (ident = "cd32") ? ("-s quickstart=" . ident . "`,0 -s chipmem_size=8") : ("-s quickstart=" . ident . "`,0")

} Else {

;Amiga or Amiga CD game

configFile := If systemName = "Commodore Amiga CD" ? "host\amigacdhost.uae" : "host\amigahost.uae"

If quickstartmode

quickcfg := "-s quickstart=" . quickstartmode


quickcfg := If (ident = "a500") ? "-s quickstart=a500`,1" : "-s quickstart=a1200`,1"



;--- Setting up command line arguments to use ---

If (ident = "cd32" or ident = "cdtv") {

If (delayhack = "true")

options := options . " -s cdimage0=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . "`,delay"


options := options . " -cdimage=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

} Else {

If immediateblitter

options := options . " -s immediate_blits=" . immediateblitter

If cycleexact

options := options . " -s cycle_exact=" . cycleexact

If cpucycleexact

options := options . " -s cpu_cycle_exact=" . cpucycleexact

If blittercycleexact

options := options . " -s blitter_cycle_exact=" . blittercycleexact

If cpucompatible

options := options . " -s cpu_compatible=" . cpucompatible

If cpuspeed

options := options . " -s cpu_speed=" . cpuspeed

If cpu

options := options . " -s cpu_model=" . cpu

If fpu

options := options . " -s fpu_model=" . fpu

If cachesize

options := options . " -s cachesize=" . cachesize

If collisionlevel

options := options . " -s collision_level=" . collisionlevel

If chipmemory

options := options . " -s chipmem_size=" . chipmemory

If fastmemory

options := options . " -s fastmem_size=" . fastmemory

If autoconfigfastmemory

options := options . " -s fastmem_autoconfig=" . autoconfigfastmemory

If slowmemory

options := options . " -s bogomem_size=" . slowmemory

If z3fastmemory

options := options . " -s z3mem_size=" . z3fastmemory

If z3fastmemoryb

options := options . " -s z3mem2_size=" . z3fastmemoryb

If megachipmemory

options := options . " -s megachipmem_size=" . megachipmemory

If (SlaveFile) {

;WHDLoad Game

options := options . " -s filesystem=rw,WHD:" . """" . PathToWHDFolder . """" . " -s filesystem=ro,Games:" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"


Else If (gameDrive) {

;HDD Game

options := options . " " . wbDrive . " " . gameDrive

} Else If romExtension in .cue,.iso


;Amiga CD game

options := options . " " . wbDrive . " -cdimage=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . " -s win32.map_cd_drives=true -s scsi=true"

} Else {

;Floppy Game

;MultiDisk loading, this will load the first 2 disks into drives 0 and 1 since some games can read from both drives and therefore

;the user won't need to change disks through the MG menu. We can have up to 4 drives, but most of the games will only support 2 drives

;so disks are only loaded into the first 2 for better compatibility. Remaining drives will be loaded into quick disk slots.

romCount = % romTable.MaxIndex()

If romName contains (Disk 1)


;If the user boots any disk rather than the first one, multi disk support must be done through HyperLaunch MG menu

If romCount > 1


options := options . " -s nr_floppies=2"

mgoptions := " -s floppy1=" . """" . romTable[2,1] . """"



options := options . " " . floppyspeed . " -s floppy0=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . mgoptions

If romCount > 1



;diskswapper := " -diskswapper "

Loop % romTable.MaxIndex() ; loop each item in our array


;diskswapper := diskswapper . """" . romTable[A_Index,1] . ""","

diskswapper := diskswapper . " -s diskimage" . (A_Index-1) . "=" . """" . romTable[A_Index,1] . """"


options := options . diskswapper




param1 := "-f " . """" . EmuPath . "\Configurations\" . configFile . """" . " " . quickcfg

param2 := "-s use_gui=no -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=" . fs

param3 := options

;MsgBox, %param1% %param2% %param3%


;disableActivateBlackScreen = true


Run(Executable . A_Space . param1 . A_Space . param2 . A_Space . param3 . A_Space . " -portable", emuPath)

WinWait("ahk_class " . windowClass)

WinWaitActive("ahk_class " . windowClass)

If bezelPath

Control, Hide, , ahk_class msctls_statusbar32, ahk_class %windowClass% ;Hide status bar (Doesn't seem to work...)










If currentButton = 10

diskslot = 0

Else If currentButton > 10

diskslot := currentButton - 10


diskslot := currentButton

If currentButton > 10

Send, {End Down}{Shift Down}%diskslot%{Shift Up}{End Up}


Send, {End Down}%diskslot%{End Up}



If (ident = "a500" or ident = "a1200") {

If (SlaveFile) {

;Copy default-user-startup to user-startup if file exists

IfExist, %PathToWHDFolder%\S\default-user-startup

FileCopy,%PathToWHDFolder%\S\default-user-startup, %PathToWHDFolder%\S\user-startup, 1




WinClose, ahk_class %windowClass%




That error is because you did not have the most up to date HyperLaunch.

The bezel function is in the newer versions.

Check the RLauncher.com site for instructions how to update.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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