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Daphne Singe Screen Tearing


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Hi Derek and welcome to the Forums!


A little more info would be helpful.  What version of HyperSpin and HyperLaunch are you using?


Does it do the same when using DaphneLoader to launch the game?

Post your Daphne_log.txt when launched and the screen is tearing.  I am guessing it's using OpenGL and you probably need to turn that off or update your GPU drivers.





Is there any way to turn on vsync for the Daphne Singe emulator? Seems to be tearing in all games (Dragon's Lair, Mad Dog McCree etc.).

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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Hi Ron,


I'm on HyperSpin and RocketLauncher.0.1.1, but running straight from a batch file containing the following does the same.


cd data
@daphne.exe singe vldp -x 1280 -y 1024 -fullscreen -noserversend -framefile singe/maddog/frame_maddog_cdrom.txt -script singe/maddog/maddog_cdrom.singe
I have a core-i5 and Nvidia GTX750.
Here's the daphne_log.txt contents:
--DAPHNE version 1.0.10
--Command line is: daphne.exe singe vldp -x 1280 -y 1024 -fullscreen -noserversend -framefile singe/maddog/frame_maddog_cdrom.txt -script singe/maddog/maddog_cdrom.singe 
--CPU : GenuineIntel 3450 MHz || Mem : 4096 megs
--OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750
--OpenGL: Compiled In
--RGB2YUV Function: MMX
--Line Blending Function: MMX
--Audio Mixing Function: MMX
Setting screen width to 1280
Setting screen height to 1024
Set 1280x1024 at 32 bpp with flags: 80000001
Initializing sound system ... 
Joystick #0 was successfully opened
Remapping input ...
Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: singe/maddog/./
YUV overlay is done in software (ie unaccelerated).
Booting ROM ...
Starting Singe version 1.14
Search to 1 received [blocking] 
Search to 41540 received [blocking] 
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
SINGE: Playing CDROM version.
SINGE: Entering readConfig()
SINGE: Leaving readConfig()
SINGE: Entering doIntro()
Search to 2444 received [blocking] 
SINGE: Leaving game!
Freeing memory used to store audio stream...
Shutting down sound system...
Shutting down video display...


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