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Resize Emulator Screen In Hyperspin


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I am using a prosystem emulator for Atari 7800. If I go full resolution the colours go all funny on the screen so I have adjusted it in the emulator and it all works fine. When I launch the game through rocket launcher or hyper spin it goes to the resolution that gives it bad colour. Can anyone advise how to set the resolution in rocketlauncer for just this emulator please?


did you tried to change the module options on the RocketLauncherUI, module, edit global settings icon?

When asking for help for RocketLauncher, POST ON THE RLAUNCHER.NET FORUMS!

Also, please post your RocketLauncher.log with logging level set to troubleshooting in pastebin (set the log level in RocketLauncherUI, global system > General Settings -> RocketLauncher).

Ass. Bleasby - RocketLauncher Development Team.


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