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Everything posted by zauche

  1. I do use the IL Euro Sticks at the moment, but I thought they are a 100% copy of the original Happ Competition joysticks. I never played on Happ sticks, but I can't believe that they have twice the travel as the IL Euro sticks - that would be unplayable..... I'm looking forward to play on my SANWA JLFs - have different springs and actuators, bat and balltop, original and cherry switches and an octagonal gate - can adjust them to my preferences.
  2. Very nice ! Best looking Fight Sticks I've seen so far ! Especially the one with the ball top i like a lot - imho this one also has the better button layout - do not like 3 buttons on a straight line - not ergonomically - I know - It's the original layout. I'll exchange my competition joysticks -- Sanwa YLFs are laying around.... - The competition joysticks are to inaccurate and have to much travel.
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