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Everything posted by Lashek

  1. Tonycrew has been gone for a long time, I'm not sure the application even exists anymore, but someone in the community might have a copy...
  2. It was developed under VisualBasic .NET if I remember my talks with Tony about it. Very very easily recreated, in any .NET language though. At one point, it was going to be incorporated into HyperList but that idea was quickly scrapped due to being primarily for HyperSpin. The online HyperList database system still has remnants and pieces of the HyperPin database stuff.
  3. Sadly, Tony has been MIA for a long time, so it's highly doubtful. Forums show last activity of 9/29/2009.
  4. Tony: Just an FYI, when reading in XML, tabs should not matter. When writing XML with .NET, you can set the formatting of the output to auto-tab based upon how each element node is written. I'm not an expert on VB.NET which it appears what yours is done in, but I at least know C / C#, and I currently use ArrayList<string>'s (not list boxes) to store my data temporarily (not the best way of doing it, but it works). This is going to change very shortly as I rewrite my code to intertwine with Hyperion a lot more, however.
  5. Reading the debugger information, it looks more like an issue with the XML file it's trying to read (possibly the reader code used) and not the assemblies. According to that error message, it's using .NET 2.0 framework files, so at most, 2.0 should be needed. For Tony: I can't say for sure, but I'd take a stab and say it's the XML Reader, sounds like XMLTextReader is used (some report that using XMLDocument is a better way to go, but that all depends on the handling). I use XMLTextReader and parse the attributes similar to such: XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filename); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.Name.Equals("elementstringhere")) { if (reader.GetAttribute("attributestring") != null) arrayorsomething.Add( reader.GetAttribute("attributestring") ); } else if (reader.Name.Equals("someotherelementstring")) arrayorsomething.Add( reader.ReadElementString("someotherelementstring") ); } Hope that helps! I would suggest adding some Try/Catch statements to see if it fails when loading/etc and possibly have it give some kinda process message to track it down?
  6. That is extremely awesome right there.... now I have to build one. o.o
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