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Everything posted by Blitz17

  1. It seems that it was doing it previous to the new release. I will try the adjustments you recommend and let you know. My cab is disassembles for upgrades currently though. I am hoping to have it up and running in a day or 2. I will test and let you know. Thanks for your help on this.
  2. Dude, awesome. I have my cab ripped apart at the moment. Can't wait to try this out. Thanks!
  3. That sounds freaking awesome! I like the idea of having the blue pause screen consistent between VP and FP and understood that was your goal but if I had to pick or choose I would have taken the high score screen so I could have fast access to the high scores. Your solution gives both. Perfect. I am looking forward to the next update. Thanks to both of you.
  4. Using Windows 7 - 64bit. Yeah, on FP I see a lot of screen flashing during the pause routine. I only see the blue pause screen for about 1/2 a second then it ends on the actual FP Pause screen showing the high scores. That is the desirable end screen for me so I can easily see the high scores. Ideally it would go to that screen instantaneously which I believe is how it performed in the previous version. I am not sure if there is another way to see the high scores in FP unless you pause it. I entered and exited a lot of VP games trying to determine a pattern when my task bar stays on top of Hyperpin but I was not able to find anything. I would hold the exit button extra long thinking that was it but nope. Now if I set my task bar to hide then it never stays on top but when I pause and exit the table I can see the task bars hidden edge. If I don't have the task bar set to hide then when I pause and exit the table I don't see any part of the taskbar but then like I said about 20% of the time it will showup on top of Hyperpin. I am replacing the motherboard, cpu, and video card this weekend. Maybe I will get lucky and this mildly annoying issues will go away. I can appreciate your challenges on implementing all this stuff though and I applaud what you have accomplished. It is great!
  5. Thanks Blur for all your work on this. It is a great addition to the cab! All of the documented features are working for me. I have run across a couple of things that I would put on a wish list for tweaking. Under FP When I pause the screen flashes black then shows the blue "Pause" image for a 1/2 second then back to the table and then pulls up the Pause High Score screen. The delay in pausing allows for the ball to drain if it is in the lower half of the playfield. Not sure if there is any way to make the pause more instantaneous like in VP. Accidental bump of exit button causes the screen to flash black for a second then back to the table. Results in possible ball drain when ball is in lower half of playfield. Rendering table progress bar moves really fast. When exiting table shows my desktop for a second before HyperPin comes up. Under VP About 20% of the time my taskbar stays on top of HyperPin. Here are my settings incase your interested. [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=q & s exitEmulatorKey=e toggleCursorKey=t pauseVPinball=g hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=true useExitScreen=true usePauseKey=true useLoadScreen=true fadespeed=15 UseExitAsPause=true exitEmulatorKey2=1 pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true exitEmulatorKey3=Enter Again thanks for this great addition to HyperPin.
  6. Thanks for the status update. Were anxiously awaiting.
  7. Looking forward to the updated version. Thanks blur!
  8. Ok, I will wait for your post with the new version when it is finished. Thanks for all your work on this.
  9. Hey Blur, any luck in adding the active backglass code to FP Launch? While your in there will you be adjusting the code to pause Future Pinball with out having Pause mapped to Exit?
  10. That did it. Everything is working as expected. Thank you for helping me get this setup and for all your work on this script.
  11. Ok, that was very helpful. I have added the code for enabling pause key in fp for pause while esc is for exit. Works great. I changed my HyperPin, FP Launch exitemulatorkey, and cab button (IPAC) to use the "e" key for exit. This triggers the Exit 3,2,1 fine but it does not work as expected. The Exit 3,2,1 screen just flashes on and off. It does not see the button being held continuously. I have tried other buttons as a test for the exitemulatorkey and they all work as I just described. The only key that works as expected is Esc. I made sure and tested the new "e" key as exit before I modified the ahk and re-compiled so it is not anything I did to the code. Any thoughts?
  12. Thanks for the info Blur. I will try that updated FP code. I am not sure how to change HyperPins key binds. Is it this section: [Keyboard] Key_Delay = false Start = 13 Exit = 27 Up = 150 Down = 149 SkipUp = 191 SkipDown = 90 Flyer = 70 Instruction = 73 Genre = 71 Service = 9
  13. I have not changed any of the HyperPin keybinds if that is what you are asking about. My FPLaunch keys are listed above. By default exitEmulatorKey=Esc. On my cab I use a button and ipac to send the Escape to the PC. About that code you said I could update, what does it do? Thanks
  14. I am using the latest release (FPLaunch1.292.zip). On issue #1 I am not using UseExitAsPause but am trying to use the exit screen. I had turned the exit screen feature off as it was not working for me and I pasted in my settings after I made the change. So with useExitScreen=true I should get the Exit 3,2,1 when I hold the exit button which I do. My problem is that is a bump the button on accident the VP Esc menu comes up instantly and loses focus so when I let off of the accidental exit button push I am left with the VP Esc window which does not have focus. My only options are to go ahead and hold exit and exit the table or Alt-Tab back to VP to regain focus. Here is how my settings are: [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=q & s exitEmulatorKey=Esc toggleCursorKey=t pauseVPinball=g hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=false useExitScreen=true usePauseKey=true useLoadScreen=true fadespeed=20 UseExitAsPause=false exitEmulatorKey2=1 Issue #2 - will the code you listed for me allow me to pause FP with UseExitAsPause = false? Thanks for your help and quick response. The additions of your FP Launch script to the cabinet is awesome! pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true exitEmulatorKey3=Enter
  15. I could use a little help on the settings. I have a couple of issues. 1. When using the exit screen as soon as I touch the exit button the the VP Esc options comes up and then loses focus. My only option at this point it to either hold exit which generates the Exit 3,2,1 screen and exits correctly or go to the keyboard and Alt-Tab back to VP. I am assuming if I momentarily bump the exit button I should see the Exit 3 screen momentarily then be returned back to the game when the exit button is released? 2. FP Pause - I have enabled the mouse in the FP Editor and mouse pause is bound to Right so Right Mouse. FP will only pause if I have UseExitAsPause=True. I do not want to use exit as pause though as I wish to keep my Pause button separate from my exit button. Is there any way to get the FP Pause to work without using ExitAsPause? Here are my bindings in case that helps someone tell what I may need to change. [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=q & s exitEmulatorKey=Esc toggleCursorKey=t pauseVPinball=g hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=false useExitScreen=false usePauseKey=true useLoadScreen=true fadespeed=20 UseExitAsPause=false exitEmulatorKey2=1 pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true exitEmulatorKey3=Enter Thanks!
  16. Blitz17 HyperPin http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11227
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