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About rotoforever

  • Birthday 01/01/1976


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  1. And yes, the faulty line remains when everything is supposed to be blank.
  2. I agree that it makes much more sense that it's a faulty display. I'll just wait for my Pindmd2 and if the problem remains, think about sending the display back to Future Electronics. The line isn't really a showstopper, just a small imperfection. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for your reply. It's the LEE-128G032B. It seems the pixel is working though.
  4. @boogies2 As of today my DMD has a similar problem. I've accidentally left the PC on over night and in the morning i had a vertical line on it. Pulled the plug for several hours and booted up again, the line is still there...
  5. Have you tried a different USB cable? Preferably a short, high quality one.
  6. To answer my own question, these are the components I used to connect the hard disk's Molex to the Vishay's power connector. I've crimped for the first time in my life, thanks to a few Youtube tutorials it was pretty easy. Crimp Tool https://ch.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=63811-1000virtualkey53810000virtualkey538-63811-1000 Terminal https://ch.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=08-50-0106virtualkey53810000virtualkey538-08-50-0106 Socket http://ch.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=09-50-3041virtualkey53810000virtualkey538-09-50-3041 The connector is a perfect fit, you just have to make sure to connect it the correct way (RED on +5V).
  7. Yep, that 12v would probably kill the poor thing. Thanks for the replies. I've seen it too late though and already went ahead and ordered a fitting connector. Took me half a day to figure out the different types and what I need. Will let you know the exact part numbers once it arrives and I've confirmed it's working. I've tried the PC molex (8981 series - this is what you meant, right?) this morning but it didn't seem to have a tight enough fit. But maybe the connector was too worn out or I'm too picky.
  8. Hope this hasn't been asked before. I have a Vishay LEE-128G032B (the red one) that I'd like to wire up. This is how the power connector looks like. 1. Could someone help me out with the part# of a connector that mates with this? Preferably one where I can fix the wire with a screw. 2. The connector has 2x +5v and 2x GND pins. Do I have to connect both or just one of them? Does it matter which? Thanks guys!
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