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Everything posted by slydog43

  1. Please dont let this topic die, I want micro stutter fixed with ledwiz (or another piece of hardware).
  2. phew, long thread to read through, great stuff. No new news, really loving how well Russ' PinDMD board v2 is and hope to improve the ledwiz side of my cab.
  3. Sorry what and how do I put it in debugmode (FPLaunch.ahk, Hyperpin, VP?) thanks
  4. I seem to have delayed launching of a table sometimes. I know I hit my start button on the hyperPin screen and nothing seems to happen. I wait a bit and then hit a flipper button and I instantly get the loading animation on the screen and table launches. Any Ideas? Dont remember having this issue with WIP8, only WIP9. Great addition to HP Blur, thanks
  5. Instructions working fine for me with wip9 and png instruction card(s). tried single and multiple pngs, both worked fine. I'm using a Ipac with Pinball wizard for plunger and nudging, winxp.
  6. Thanks blur, WIP9 seems to be working fine for my cabinet (with WinXP) althought WIP8 worked quite well with only an occasional hiccup. No hiccups as of yet. YEAH
  7. Thanks for the new updates, Thanks for the new stuff
  8. Thanks that seemed to fix my exiting trouble with vp not completely exited cleanly. Thanks
  9. I dont use UVP, happens on DMD tables, but when I run a B2S it clears the DMD after an exit, weird (Although the table is still running in VP after I exit) Very strange how it didnt always happen to me. Maybe I didnt install everything correctly. Should I be running Visual PinMame 3.0? (I copied over Cabinet 2.4 I thought)
  10. I just created another computer for my cabinet (WinXP SP3) and copied over my hyperPin directory. Sometimes tables dont exit completely now. The DMD is still on and I can here the game when back at hyperpin. I use e as exit key. Really strange. I didnt have this problem before. I am using pinball wizard, but only for the nudging and plunger, not for the flippers. Maybe I have something screwy in my settings.ini file. Stummped. Thanks Blur for a great addition to Hyperpin.
  11. Thanks Blur, WIP8 seems to work with B2S now. What do you mean PreRotate images, should I wait to do all my instruction images? Right now it seems to work great for all my instruction pngs.
  12. I will upload many also. I have to rename to HS standards, but I have all the a's and most of my b's done with Instruction cards, IPDB screen shot, Flyers, and Rules if any exist for table. Playing whitewater FS is taking up time today, thanks for WIP JP. Any chance of uploading fix to WIP7 blur for instruction cards?
  13. great news, I know I have to change my table names to HP standards, but didnt want to do this right now as I have 300 or so FS set up. Starting the massive task of making instruction pngs for all games.
  14. Ok, I have tried a few more things, but nothing has fixed my problem. The problem is that the B2S backglass stays on even when I exit back to hyperPin. If I hit ESC then the B2S goes away. I dont think it is related to my naming, as I have tried many different names (with and without _ ). I think now that it is related to my settings.ini file and the exit keys. I have remapped E as my exit key. Blur can you PM me your settings file?
  15. Good ideas, but I tried removing hyphin and delete all but 1, still same problem I tried another B2s abra ca dabra and had the same problem with -1.png for instruction card.
  16. Blur, found a problem with WIP7. When I run BadCats_FS_B2S and pull up the instructions (I have 10 of them labeled BadCats_FS_B2S-1.png though BadCats_FS_B2S-10.png), then exit table and go back to hyperpin menu, the backglass stays up (FORM1) and doesn't change when I change the wheel. Can I help debug this?
  17. Thanks Blur, really makes the whole hyperpin experience better. Time to start going over all my tables and get Flyers, Instructions for them all.
  18. Blur, Thanks I have now added a date/time stamp to a stat file and compiled the FPLaunch script, which worked great. I do have some trouble with FP exiting and not gaining focus again at the hyperspin menu (I have remaped my Exit key to e instead of ESC). How can I try and debug this problem, I see that there are many toLog function calls in FPLaunch, where is that file? Is there something else I can do to try and see where the program might be hung up?
  19. Bring it on. If I make a change to the FPLaunch.ahk, do I need to reCompile it with Auto Hot Key Basic? I think I do, I have since started playing with this stuff and have compiled it for the 1st time. Very cool, I want to add table launch date & time so That I can figure out what tables are getting played to the most. Thanks steve WOW ahk stuff is easy, Im going to add the following FPLaunch.ahk so that I keep track of what games get played FormatTime, myDate,, MM/dd/yyyy FormatTime, myTime,, hh:mm:ss tt FileAppend, VP: xyz : %myDate% %myTime%`n, TableRunLog.txt myDate= myTime=
  20. wow Cant believe I forgot about the bottom info text, blur. Thanks again for windows screen number align thing
  21. How do multiple pages work now, ie which pages gets loaded first, second, etc. tablename-1, tablename-2 - would it load them up alphanumerically or randomly if tablename matches like your last message. Blur what do you think about changing 'exit' to 'Exit To HyperPin' in the table pause/menu and Exit to 'Exit To Windows' in the HyperPin menu. I think it is clearer for newbies on my PinCab. (If not no biggie, I will just change the graphic myself, just thought others might want it also) Great work, Thanks. Make cab sooooo much better. Any idea when PNG support will be added?
  22. Getting better and better, totally awesome! I really love the moving ball in the loading screen. No slow down noticed yet, only play 2 games though. Being able to hit my favorite/flyer button is the middle of a game is top notch! Thank you. Really looking forward to png support! Any way to record date and time of all table launches, so a reporting type thing may be run making a list of the most played tables and such. I think others would like this also, or I may be wrong who knows?
  23. Good thinking, no need for pause at all anymore. I also never used the countdown thing. You have my vote for eliminating those "old" features, +1 for simplicity and easier coding!
  24. Cant believe more people are commenting on this great accomplishment. Thanks really making cabinet better and better. Do your instruction screen get screwed up after 10 seconds or so?
  25. Great tip Blur, I wondered why some of my B2S tables didnt start correctly, now they work after setting B2S startup to false. Really love this, thanks you, thank you, thank you. Time to start getting instruction cards and flyers for all my tables
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