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Everything posted by rik81

  1. I know whats causing it... Adding Intro videos breaks hyperspin. Even just 1 breaks it. (Just tested it) I removed them and everything came right back. Also if you choose blinky... And leave it disabled. It starts anyways.
  2. I think I corrupted my database file somehow... Starting fresh. :(
  3. [2025-01-17 10:33:06.440] [info] App starting... [2025-01-17 10:33:06.444] [info] App version: 2.0.26 [2025-01-17 10:33:06.444] [info] App path: C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\resources\app.asar
  4. HLHQ works fine... the data and all my settings seem to be intact.... But its literally just a big grey screen when I launch hyperspin
  5. Need help. Rebuilt my Wheel Cache... Now I get a grey screen. No hyperspin... How do I fix this?
  6. Beside details... you should be able to delete games from the systems directory.... Currnetly you got to click details... click the ... Then choose delete game.
  7. Theme.json has an entityID... this is used by hyperspin to identify which game the theme is for.
  8. Incorrect.. Even the themes are locked down. They have a code as well.. more information below All the themes have to be made on the Website... you cant just sub in your own art. Why? Cause theyve assigned a code 0a2a1637-bfca-4828-9bc6-08dc3b328f31 <--- Like so... To each and everything logo, theme, cart art etc. Meaning that you cant even use the same code for the same game. And you cant use the same theme, for other games. So technically... every piece of art... has to have a unique code, predefined by them... in which you make the art on their site... you pick the game... the code gets assigned to that art... its downloaded and used on the setup. So basically they control every step of the process. Because the codes are baked into the Hyperspin.exe or theyre encrypted into one of the databases that get stored on the C drive. The only things that dont have codes... Seem to be the videos. But I cant seem to add my own videos anyways. (I believe you can with mame... but the others im not so sure... Having trouble doing it.. still learning) I also need a way to turn off syncing... It keeps trying to sync with emumovies at random times.
  9. lol wtf.... Sympathetic.... Everything they did here says the opposite... They all probably laughed after he left...
  10. Databases are encrypted and stored on the C drive. Best thing to do... if you want to use your own media... your gonna have to hunt down the exact hash and swap in your own media manually...
  11. Not sure what to tell you.... I got a load of things working... Ive added about 25 systems and theyre all launching now... The naming is what im concerned about.
  12. Getting this.... I havent been able to launch hyperspin.exe at all.
  13. ALl the videos download to the C drive? Dafuq? C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoHigh\ Can this be changed? I dont have a big C drive.
  14. Set the name of the wheel before the rom name... If theres spaces... use "" marks.
  15. Ive got a bunch of things running through Rocketlauncher... which is good cause the backend has all the settings... directories, bezels and other stuff. However... And even with the new naming... I wish there was dummy files. Theres a bunch of files that get stored on C drive as well. Caches and databases etc. Im playing with this...learning is progressing... Also... How do you delete roms? I dont want to remove the game from the database and refresh. Scraping isnt the best
  16. The scraping on this is terrible... It got 1 game from Atomiswave. I mean it doesnt even give you dummy media to match with
  17. Trying to add a pinball exe.... its spinning continuously on "Detecting Emulator"... Which will never happen.
  18. My hyperspin doesnt even launch...
  19. From what I can see... Rocketluancher i believe is supported. You might have to set it up as per system. MAME %Romname% Not a whole lot of work to be honest... just have to name the wheel name to match the wheel name in RL. The media is all based on CRCs... which means huge integration. No idea what Hyper AI is yet... its the client.. im not sure. Theres a lot of unpack here.
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