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About deathring2000

  • Birthday 06/02/1983


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. Hey All, Happy to be supporting the development of HS2. quick question though. In HS1 it was possible to set the wheel direction and position of the wheel, This would be set in HyperHQ back in the day. but can't find the setting now. Also perhaps as a suggestion. Some wheels use a backplate behind the logos. Perhaps it's possible to to create a single wheel background and set that to be always placed behind the Logos everytime Kind Regards Ben
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Was looking around for just transparent files of the Famicom Disk System and couldn't find them. So i decided to make a as many as i could mysellf based on the most recent XML i had. Some of the games didn't really have logo artwork so i tried to use some creative license. Hope you guys enjoy
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