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Everything posted by ghostlost

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Main Menu Theme Apple II
  2. It's hard to know when it's a joke or truth when you do not speak the same native language! Especially when using Google Translate. Putting watermarks on my creations was a moment of revolt, I confess! But I'm changing my mind, the good part is that most of us who wear our stockings are good people and only use for themselves in their Arcade, Bartop or PC. And it's for these people that we have to think!
  3. After all this conversation I'm almost removing the watermarks and leaving everything as it was before! I've never been in favor of watermark because I know most who use creations from us content creators, are good people and they use our stockings for their own use. It was a moment of revolt because it was accumulating for a long time! I always saw my Stockings being sold around or shared by people who claimed to own the Media. Let's see the scenes of the next chapters.
  4. Thanks for the support Kondorito!
  5. Grateful for the words friend and I'm glad that in France people admire what I do! And for these people I am sad to have to mark my creations because these good people do not deserve it! It is almost certain that I will release creations sooner or later without the watermarks! It is enough for the revolt to pass! ?
  6. Now I understand, I do not speak English! I use Google Translate and you should know very well that he does not do the translation with the right sense of who wrote! But I do not want to put any watermark on the files, but these salesmen force me to do that!
  7. I'm not angry, maybe because we do not speak the same native language, communication may seem like it has another meaning! I'm sorry I looked angry, I did not mean to! But in regards to my critics, they are for sellers and not for those who buy, those who buy still have some excuses like not having a good internet or difficulties in messing with the Hyperspin settings!
  8. If you do not mind the others earning money with your work there is your problem, I care a lot! One way or another no more, now they'll have my name, they'll only be able to remove it if they know how to tinker at least in programs like Adobe Photohop and Adobe Animate. Otherwise they will have to swallow throat down my signature in stockings.
  9. If you do not want to use it, you will have to learn how to create it!
  10. No issues with Deslike, I do not even care! What I really care about is the Hyperspin salespeople! They take my creations and put them to sell and not even give me the credits, who will tell the money of the sale! So from now on I put watermarks on my creations and so I force salespeople to divulge me. You should do the same as it is Content Creator!
  11. 109 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Sunset Overdrive para PC Games (16:9) Gostam do meu trabalho com o Frontend Hyperspin? Então me apoiem se inscrevendo em meu canal do YouTube, lá posto diversos Packs exclusivos com uma qualidade sem igual e totalmente de graça. além de Tutoriais super explicativos para que todos possam ter seus Hyperspin bem configurados para matar aquela saudade boa da infância. Link do canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ghostlost Vale lembrar também para darem like aqui no fórum nos Temas que posto, para que eu fique bem ranqueado entre os Content Creators. ???
  12. Essa e varias outras Wheels são de minha autoria, só "trocou" as bordas, mas o conteúdo não deixa de ser meu! Não custa dar os devidos créditos!
  13. 45 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game No Man's Sky NEXT de PC Games (16:9)
  14. 204 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Shadow of the Tomb Raider de PC Games (16:9)
  15. 43 downloads

    Theme + Wheel do game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds de PC Games (16:9)
  16. 108 downloads

    Theme + Wheel do game Fortnite de PC Games (16:9)
  17. 168 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Forza Horizon 3 de PC Games (16:9)
  18. 136 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Forza Motorsport 7 de PC Games (16:9)
  19. 181 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai de PC Games (16:9)
  20. 158 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Unravel Two de PC Games (16:9)
  21. 112 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Metro Exodus de PC Games (16:9)
  22. 119 downloads

    Tema + Wheel do game Assassin's Creed Odyssey de PC Games (16:9)
  23. 114 downloads

    Tema game Goketsuji Ichizoku Matsuri Senzo Kuyou (goketsuj) do sistema MAME (16:9)
  24. 550 downloads

    Complete Media do sistema Nichibutsu My Vision (16:9) Main Menu Theme + Default Theme + Pointer + Wheel Menu + Wheel Games + Bezel + Fade + Box + Cart
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