Thanks for the suggestions floatingyeti!
1. My P1 UP/DOWN is W,S and P2 is I,K
Your suggestion got me thinking I should swap the two inputs so P1 is I,K and P2 is W,S
The result was P1 worked perfect mapped to I,K and P2 was still doing the double input stuff.
2. It is possible to disable input via HyperSpin>Settings>setting.ini
just make the inputs equal nothing but it didn't workout still the double input stuff.
3. My controller is an ultmarc uhid
The pins don't have any other configuration they are just seen by windows as joypad buttons
4. I did ensure that the joystick checkboxes were off and I also deleted the joy bindings from settings.ini so now the options EX: UP=(nothing)
I read somewhere of a guy having a similar double input issue but he then started using the "startup script" and likely mapped joy inputs that way.
I would try anything at this point but I can't access the script since the HyperSpin site is still under construction.
If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.