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About xfactor54

  • Birthday 11/17/1980


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. It is a pleasure to see your work again. These last two have surprised me, due to the quality of the images and their treatment. I think it is a very good decision to make arcade themes inspired by the images on your flyers or marquees.
  2. Thank you very match, good work
  3. Beatiful...the perfect theme for R type 2.
  4. Woaaaaa...how would say Stan Lee...excelsior!!!!
  5. super famicom cartridges, no boxes
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Here is my first issue uploaded to hyperspin with much desire to share it with all of you. It is based on the system box. Hope you like. Special thanks to the author of the thread system logos THK and very specially to Kondorito who kindly made the logo of the system.
  7. Many thanks for the great work done with atari 7800 and now 5200. These are the best boxes for these systems. I am very grateful, thanks again for your effort and good work.
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