Hi Guys.....
Wanted to bring on a highscore support MOD for FPLAUNCH
It uses the pause-screen to display the actual hiscores of the game.
It uses PINemHi , a program I wrote to get the hiscores out.
Here is the piece I use to make it work (instead of the pause image at the moment):
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Color, 800000
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
;IniRead, romname,{insert your directory to hyperpin here}TabletoRom.ini,romfind,%tableName%
FileRead, romname,{insert your directory to hyperpin here}\%tableName%.txt ; use this instead of the IniRead above because of the performance in speed !
Runwait, %comspec% /c {insert your directory to vpinmame here}\PINemHi %romname%>{insert your directory to vpinmame her}\HiTemp.txt,,Hide
Fileread, contents,{insert your directory to vpinmame here}\HiTemp.txt
Gui,Add,Text,CFF7F50 , %contents%
Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Lastfound
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, pauseScreen
When using the file %tableName%.txt this is just a file with the romname used for the game in it.....for example attack from mars.txt has afm_113b in it
You can also use an ini file that has the following in it:
black belt=blackblt
This is the more decent solution but I found out this was a bit slower than the fileread.
Hope the above makes sense and that someone can try it out.....
It's just a first draft so it could look a lot better
Dna Disturber
Here is the link to PINemHi thread :