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Dna Disturber

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About Dna Disturber

  • Birthday 01/11/1970

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  • Hiscore HillBilly

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  1. Ohhhh man , I can't believe you called this ugly pQjD_hZgsDQ The swf is used to rotate the different hiscores of a game... Put a nice white border around it et voila..... Oh well .....not my call , no hard feelings.........
  2. Sure no problem (about pinemhi). Maybe it's a good idea to use the 1.0 version I have online on my website. The one I gave you earlier was a work in progress (prior to version 1.0) and not a release-version...... http://www.pinemhi.com If you could stick to the 1.0 version for future hyperFPLaunch releases that would be great..... I want the versions / downloads to come from one source as much as possible. Hope you don't mind.... And for the dead phone.....there's always skype (speedwise no problem now) Hope they fix it soon......
  3. Samwyze, I would definitely change the borders around the dmd-look to something like this (brown and black) [ATTACH]9081[/ATTACH] ....a border around it does look better but the blue and white don't really go well with the brown... But the blue and white would look great on the blue with white letters swf: [ATTACH]9082[/ATTACH] Maybe a builtin-option to change the colors from the border ? I vote for the exit menu , I agree with Darkfall ....if they don't want to see it they can always turn it off (right ?) ...... Looking great... Dna Disturber
  4. @samwyze I got a second swf that has rotated hiscores. Using this piece of script I managed to get it to turn when the monitor is rotated. Maybe this is a solution to cabs vs desktop display Let me know if it works..... if you have time to test it of course Attached the swf-file (This one also uses the Hitemp.txt to get the hiscores out , so just place it in the hyperpin dir along with the rest of PINemHi (link in PM sent to you) Dna Disturber
  5. @blur The readouts from the nvram and fpram (for Future Pinball) are written in VB Replay-score setting support isn't in it at the moment I'm afraid. Not as easy as getting all the hiscores out (especially with some manufacturers roms) The last week I was busy making an swf to alternate the highscores that have multiple segments (medieval madness , attack from mars etc) That's all done....And it's also more hyperpin worthy I would say. Only thing I need is a good ahk script to play the swf. Have found one that will work but it's not all that... If you have a good ahk code to display the swf then it's ready for a testrun PINemHi has full Future pinball support now , I have figured out a way to get the right rom out of a table (no matter what the tablename is) for VP. So that will definitely work very well.... I can send you or Samwyze all the files necessary to test it out The only thing is that I can only send you the old code for displaying the hiscores (not the swf display ahk-code but I will include the swf so that you could alter the ahk code to make that work if you have a good script for it) Let me know if you or Samwyze would like the files and code Dna Disturber
  6. For the hiscore support I discovered a nice way to connect the tablenames to a rom (PINemHI only works with romnames) Assuming PINemHi and all ini files would be in the same directory as hyperpin the code would look like : Normally you should create a tabletorom.ini which includes: tablename=rom.nv but considering that the tablenames may vary from person to person I invented a new way to let people use an ini-file that has the same values for everyone. Using fplaunch I grab the vpinmame window and extract the rom's "nice" name. This is the same for everybody. So now we have to create an ini file that contains: rom "nice" name = rom.nv for example the rom for medieval madness could be mm_109c When I extract the nice rom name it's Medieval Madness (1.09C,Profanity) so in the ini file this would look like : Medieval Madness (1.09C,Profanity)=mm_109c.nv Medieval Madness (1.09B)=mm_109b.nv So no one needs to alter an ini file to match their tablenames to the roms, they all can use the same using this technique.....Way easier and user-friendly I will go and start creating such an ini file *EDIT* ini-file is ready and will be available with the new version of PINemHi (all roms are present that vpinmame supports - 1279 to be exact)
  7. Hi Samwyze , Thanks for wanting to put it in. I'm not a AHK scripter I must say , just tried it to see if it would work...ahk is very powerfull...no doubt about that. As for your options , all of the above sounds great of course.....so that people have a choice (cabinet or no-cabinet). Hope I'm not asking too much A fake DMD above the real one would be the most awesome thing I suppose (don't know if that can be done) Would it be possible to put the romname you use for a table into the xml and then extract that out. It would save the trouble of having to convert the tablename to a specific rom (don't need to make a file for it)? I think your idea about ahk running with selected scripts is a great one....fplaunch is becoming somewhat of a monster (in size that is). As long as it's not bad regarding performance I'd say Yes..... I'll be working on the layout of PINemHi for the next version as I made it with a fake DMD scrolling the scores in mind (there is no separation between segments)... And also will take a look at the size of scores (+Center was nice)....When there are differences in number of characters in the score it didn't look so great ......So maybe I can do something about that as well a monospaced font would be best I think in the ahk script. Keep up the good work.... Dna Disturber
  8. Hi Guys..... Wanted to bring on a highscore support MOD for FPLAUNCH It uses the pause-screen to display the actual hiscores of the game. It uses PINemHi , a program I wrote to get the hiscores out. Here is the piece I use to make it work (instead of the pause image at the moment): CreatePauseScreen: Gui, Destroy Gui, Color, 800000 Gui, Margin, 0, 0 ;IniRead, romname,{insert your directory to hyperpin here}TabletoRom.ini,romfind,%tableName% FileRead, romname,{insert your directory to hyperpin here}\%tableName%.txt ; use this instead of the IniRead above because of the performance in speed ! Runwait, %comspec% /c {insert your directory to vpinmame here}\PINemHi %romname%>{insert your directory to vpinmame her}\HiTemp.txt,,Hide Fileread, contents,{insert your directory to vpinmame here}\HiTemp.txt Gui,Font,s25,Verdana Gui,Add,Text,CFF7F50 , %contents% Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Lastfound Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, pauseScreen Return When using the file %tableName%.txt this is just a file with the romname used for the game in it.....for example attack from mars.txt has afm_113b in it You can also use an ini file that has the following in it: [romfind] black belt=blackblt This is the more decent solution but I found out this was a bit slower than the fileread. Hope the above makes sense and that someone can try it out..... It's just a first draft so it could look a lot better Dna Disturber [ATTACH]8725[/ATTACH] Here is the link to PINemHi thread : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13655
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