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Everything posted by djvj

  1. It does GBA too? ok I'll add it when I get home.
  2. Cool man, hopefully this will help many who don't know about all the emulators out there.
  3. So I would still put 1.61 as preferred and 1.7 for a few exceptions. There are enough threads about why 1.61 is better. Don't need to get into it again here. Added: RealSpectrum ZXSpin
  4. Added Jagulator Flash Game Player E-Z Flasher Parachute Snes9xPP SNESGT Turbo Engine 16
  5. Are you saying you can't use the glide plugin with 1.61?
  6. Thanks brolly. cdiemu exe is actually called wcdiemu.exe, so that's where I got it from. I'll change it and remove the w. List is updated with many emus I believe are preferred (I know brolly will give me more). Thanks for you suggestions mesk, the ones I am unsure of are Nintendo and Sega ones. I only marked the ones I believe are the best.
  7. Stay on topic please, if you have any issues, make your own thread. Discussions here should revolve around updating the list or correcting mistakes, that's it. I'm among the crowd that thinks there usually is a preferred emu. There will always be a grey area, like psx, but generally one stands out.
  8. Just converted my modules folder to the new emu-based HL2 and created a listing so I know what emu does what systems. I know this list is not complete, but it matches what I had modules for. I know this is something a few have asked for over the years, so it may help some of you who come across it: List moved to: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/showthread.php?2803-Best-Emulator-For-Each-System If anyone wants to help complete it, please post below.
  9. That's exactly why I put so many comments in my scripts. I always go back to pull code from them and it's so easy knowing exactly what it does via a comment.
  10. bent, that table works fine for me using my HS module. I can't speak for FPLaunch though as I do not use HP. Do a lot of tables use an exe to launch their backglass? Wondering if that's causing you an issue. FYI, you don't need 2 monitors, just had to turn off the backglass in the vbs script.
  11. I don't have 2 monitors, but I'll see if it works witb my script Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  12. In the script, try changing: click 10, 10 to ControlClick,, ahk_class MAME If it doesn't work, can you throw the table up on the ftp for me to test.
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