MELTING POT ! + Ghost of tsushima ( intro fr with lips sync)
Glad to come back here to my first loves to share new ones! I promise I won't call for a revolution just sharing (those who know will understand! 🤣)
We start this post with 3 Game themes all originally in 4k but which I slightly compressed with handbrake(without too much loss) for a very small weight adapted to the Frontend! for you to use I forgot lol! Someone will certainly be able to tell you in the comments!
**Ah yes think of the little blue thumb just to encourage and for my ego (a little too anyway)😅
Content de revenir ici à mes premiers amours à partager de nouveaux ! Promis je n'appelerai pas à la révolution juste du partage ( ceux qui savent comprendront ! :p)
On commence ce post avec 3 Game themes tous à l'origine en 4k mais que j'ai légérement compresser via handbrake ( sans trop de perte) pour un poid tout petit adapté au Frontend ! pour vous en servir et bas j'ai oublié ! Quelqu'un saura vous le dire très certainement en commentaire !
**Ah oui pensez au petit pouce bleu juste pour encourager et pour mon égo ( un peu aussi quand même)!😅
More content ?
Support the creation and all my projects:
The Classic Animated !
While the spiritual sequel to suikoden comes out in a few days via eyuden chronicles! A little return to the origins will please the old man !
Alors que la suite spirituelle de suikoden sort dans quelque jours via eyuden chronicles ! Un petit retour au origines fera plasir au vieux de la vieilles !
My collection Suikoden in trailer :
F-zero with this game theme that I fully animated and made responsive audio (it reacts to sound and music)
I leave it in native version!
Another Game themes this time taken from my mario collection !
Always in 4K !
Trailer of Mario Collection
A little gift that I only upload here and just for you from my Zelda Ultima.
Game themes entirely animated by hand and new sequence made via cinema 4d (I took out the red carpet for my beloved Zelda)
Enjoy guys!
*no compression this time I deliver it to you as is in 4K!
The zelda Ultima is completed ! After 5 years of developement thanks at all who contributed to this monster tribute
/For more infos on the Zelda Ultima it's here :
It's an old theme that I had in the drawers (made in 2017) that I tried to remaster the file is not compressed to maintain the quality you will see it goes quickly!
There's no reason to deny your pleasure, especially since Mugen themes are very rare!
C'est un vieux théme que j'avais dans les tiroirs ( fais en 2017) que j'ai essayé de remasterisé le fichier n'est pas compressé pour maintenir la qualité vous allez voir ça va vite ! Pas de quoi bouder son plaisir surtout que les théme mugen sont très rare !
enjoy !
Quelque Game thémes Switch enjoy !
It's been a long time
some production,
enjoy ..
the channel : Here
Patreon :
Just in time for the day one !
720p version
Enjoy !
My Channel :
My Patreon :
Alternative version on the channel Alternative version
Hello Hyperspin Community!
It's been a long time! Here a new category theme : Handhelds, Stay tuned and Find the rest of my work On Pademonium cinematics
I'll try to post others in the coming days!
Best view in 1080p
(Dead video link was removed)
Best view in 1080p
(Dead video link was removed)
*I cut my intro
Remember to put a little like if the content you like;)
Native version on my channel: 2560X1440 30FPS H264
My Channel :
My Patreon :
Remember to put a little like if the content you like;)
Native version on my channel: 2560X1440 30FPS H264
it's been a while that I had not posted here, some pc themes and do not forget to leave a comment or a like it always pleasures
The rest of my work is here
on Youtube :
While doing the cleaning I came across an old theme series.
It was before I made the cinematic theme.
Think to put a like if you like my job and if you want up another !
I share it with you. Enjoy
The rest of my work it's here :
Nostalgic Bedroom series is an homage to my childhood and to nostalgia common among those grew up in the 80's and 90's
If my Job interests you , Think subscribe , exlcusive theme in 1080p, content , and over fun of which here some extract :
At the request of a subscriber I post the classics snk. I could not upload bigger than the 720p files, but the video is still very clean
see soon !
Hello !
Don't forget to make a like or comment ( if you like) it is always nice.
And for the rest of my work it's HERE