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Everything posted by reko19

  1. anybody was able to resolve the exit click sound being played 3 times instead of just once when you exit back to hyperpin
  2. I must have missed it somehow in the thread, but I don't understand how Arduino board interacts with VP. It is clear that Arduino board drives Pixelmagic's board which is using transistors to turn thing on and off instead of mechanical relays. This is just high / low output in the Arduino that drives transistors, no software needed. But what about the interface from VP to Adruino. Is it part of the magic in the vbs file? Would we be able to use ini files that were previously used for the ledwiz?
  3. how does the high score functionality works? is it for VP or FP only? thanks guys
  4. Blur, everything works as a charm, huge thank you for this update
  5. that explains it, thank you
  6. Yes, my vp911tables.txt looks like this: Roadshow_VP911_1.0FS vpinball912.exe and it works just fine when I was trying vp908tables.txt with TOTAN_VP9_3.0FS vpinball908.exe i'll play with it some more to see if it is only a problem with the RS
  7. Gave it a try last night. Fplaunch works well for me, no task bar or any other undesired behavior. Did not play long enough to see if my "pause" issue still there. Tested big boss functionality. Had no issues launching certain tables with vp908, while my vpinball.exe was 9.12. After that I decided to keep 9.08 as my base vpinball.exe and have only certain tables load with 9.12 since there is only a handful of new tables available. That is when I got into troubles. I only tried it with the roadshow, but it would not load just stays on rendering table screen. Did not try other tables, planning to do it today. Great performance overall, thank you for this great update.
  8. many thanks, will give it a try and report back:congrats:
  9. I like the simple version, then again I am happy with the way it is now. Holding my breath for big boss' functionality. Thanks Blur for keeping on it.
  10. I'll try to do it tonight.
  11. Blur, timing is totally random, was playing CV yesterday for quite some time before Pause popped up. Only happens once in a blue man, very hard to nail it down. I'll keep an eye on it.
  12. was playing new CV yesterday and pause did not pop up for a while, so it is not necessarily happening at the beginning of the game
  13. The only thing I noticed is blue pause while in VP. Doubt this is caused by accidental button push. It usually happens once at the beginning of the game. After I clear it by pressing esc it does not pop up any more. This is not happening every time either, tough to point out why.
  14. For some reason every now and then I get "pause" in the middle of the game. Anybody else noticed it?
  15. what is the volume setting? not sure if I am aware of it.
  16. Works well for me. As far as bigboss functionality, maybe you could implement it that by default all tables are using VP908 unless told by fplaunch to use 911. Since there are only few 911 tables should be pretty easy to create a list. What do you think? Thanks.
  17. Taskbar is gone, thank you Blur
  18. So would you be incorporating it into the next release? I, for one, would be extremely happy to have this functionality. My upgrade to 911 was nothing but problems for old tables.
  19. Blur, Check this out at vpforums: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=12906 ever since I upgraded to VP911 I started experiencing bunch of issues. If you could include a capability of starting certain tables with VP9.08 similarly to what is described in the topic above, it would be simply awesome. Unfortunately it is way over my head, but it would be absolutely great to be able to do it. Pretty please look into this. Thanks.
  20. thank you, just needed to edit last line to make it work with LEDs. Good stuff.
  21. where could I find core.vbs 3.33, the one included with ledwiz installation files is 3.32 thanks
  22. I am running XP, thanks for your hard work and making it better and better
  23. Here is my assessment. With the ini settings posted by Blur, everything works as it supposed to. I do see a task bar for a split second when exiting VP tables but not FP tables. This is the only thing that is keeping it from being perfect. Overall great improvement especially with FP since it was losing focus every now and then going back to HP. Spiderman, the only table I was having troubles with, is working fine. Could someone explain to me high score functionality? Is the highest score displayed on DMD while the table exiting?
  24. Blur, Could you post recommended ini settings, I was having some troubles also probably due to improperly configured ini. Thanks.
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