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About JoeC3109

  • Birthday 01/09/1988


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  1. This is very interesting and helpful, I appreciate that. I'm gonna try switching to another USB port and see if it helps my issue. I've tried my controllers (official with Blue label) on all the ports with the same issue. Though what you describe ulao makes perfect sense.
  2. yea, official controller. i actually don't have any vmu's though. Not sure if that would make a difference?
  3. Hey guys, anyone noticed some difficulty with dreamcast controllers? When I plug mine in, the first time or two it just seems to input random buttons. I have to unplug the blissbox 2-3 times, along with the controller, before it picks up properly. Bought a new dreamcast controller and have been having the same issue. I'm on the newest firmware, 1.56.1
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