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Everything posted by retrodiablin

  1. retrodiablin


    Dentro de los setting de hyperspin puedes poner la direccion de la carpeta donde tengas los roms para cada sistema así que los puedes poner en cualquier disco que gustes, y si utilizan Rocketlauncher puedes escoger varias carpetas de roms para cada sistema. Asi que puedes divider los roms en tus discos por sistema. Tu eliges cuales en cada uno.
  2. You can also put that little controller icon in the Background.PGN or SWF file of the system Theme, like in the left right corner of the background file.....just another idea
  3. You can edit the WHEEL.PNG of the each game and add a little control picture next to the game logo. I did this in my machine to know which mame games are 4 player games when I scroll them. In your case you can also put the controller picture in the system wheel pngs
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