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Everything posted by r0man0

  1. New version updated to 0.181 enjoy and happy new year 2017 Bonne et heureuse année 2017
  2. Hi shadoom , look for my answer on top of this page (p4) r0man0
  3. Phantasy , all mame xml lists are classified into subfolders to be easyly used , To use all of them , its depends of witch games you want to show , for example : if you want to show into a sub-wheel genre the game list with only the games with 2 players alt in wrestling genre and workings , you can use list contained into : Players\2P alt\Working Games\Genres\Wrestling Games.xml or Genres\Wrestling\Working Games\Players\2P alt Games.xml Both lists contains the same games , but are not classified in the same directory. For each lists added into your databases/mame/ folder you need to add a new line into the file genre.xml that contain the name of the list added. All these lists are also for people that want to create their custom Item/main wheels ( ex : create a fighters Item/main wheel with any sub-genre wheels wanted...)
  4. you just need to copy and paste lists you want to use. Main list must have the same name as your database directory and others list must be listed inside the genre.xml
  5. Ok , as you can see , i'm using also my own generation program , sometimes i have to add some code lines to generate new lists that community ask to me. Each times i add lists or made an update, i write changes to the log view inside main post , you just have to follow this topic to knows changes. I 've read the [official] mame xml database thread and looked for your lists i will PM you to talk about your lists generation. r0man0
  6. Hi , what kind of changes do you means ?
  7. Hi robmcc83 , some wheel artworks are in the download list from this post , but the pack is not fully complete. I'm still waiting for anybody who have some time to spend to create the missings one. r0man0
  8. Hi phantasy , i've checked and compared both lists and i've found some errors , now fixed in new uploaded mame xml full lists 0.179 : Fixed --> Ball & paddle are now present in mame xml full lists (previously filtered) Fixed --> Ball & paddle genre replace Breakout genre (Ball & Paddle games contains now Breakout games and Ball & paddle games) Fixed --> Multi-Manufacturers are present on all Manufacturers lists (previously limited to first found manufacturer) Now , there is 60 atari games missing in atari classics.xml from official download page , i think they have to updated this list with games listed in attached text file. My list have 2 games missing from atari classics.xml from official download page but "roadrioto" --> not exist , and "wrallyb" --> not atari game. Thanks for your report. r0man0 Atari Classics missings.txt
  9. Ok , i've uploaded new version of mame xml full lists 0.179 with maks request features & phantasy fix : Added --> Screens folder in Extras contains : Horizontal Games (Games with Screen width >= Screen Height) Vertical Games (Games with Screen width < Screen Height) 0-Lowest Resolution Games (Screen resolution < 240x160) 1-Low Resolution Games (Screen resolution between 240x160 and 480x320) 2-Medium Resolution Games (Screen resolution between 480x320 and 640x480) 3-High Resolution Games (Screen resolution between 640x480 and 800x600) 4-Highest Resolution Games (Screen resolution > 800x600) Based from resolution.ini v0.179 file from http://www.progettosnaps.net/renameset/ Fixed --> Handheld game console are now filtered from mame xml full lists. r0man0
  10. Ok i've got the answer from PD forum , my list contains CHD , Softwares sets , and merged Sets , there is no missings. Your "breakout" game set not appears because it was merged to his parent set "pong" same thing for : blvelvet camlight chucklck circa33 disco79 erosone ffrevng10 foathens foxylady galpanica gpriders gtfrk10ma gtfrk3ma heartspd hoedown kizuna4p lastlap mbaao mushi2eo natodefa party real rio royclark rungund starshot suprpick takefive thndbolt wotwc Maybe there is also an option in rocketlauncher for merged sets . r0man0
  11. Hi phantasy , there was an error in mame xml full lists for handheld game like in sega "gamegeaj" they have to be filtered because they are handheld game consoles , so i will update mame xml full lists 0.179 soon. For "calspeedb" & "vaportrxp", they are chd not roms you have to filtered them on rocket launcher. Seems there is roms missings also for me (including " breakout" , and " gpriders" , Curious because clrmamepro or PleasureDome do not shows that. After some tests , my rom set 0.179 seems to be full for clrmamepro but 532 roms are missing between my romset and official extracted rom list from mame.exe 0.179. I attach the list here. I ve open also a topic on PD. r0man0
  12. here is where i get all my ini : http://www.progettosnaps.net/support/
  13. Hi , you can use Notepad++ , it s a good software fully free with many editing options , or use lists created by another guy here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/19vpff3f4x87yu4/AAAeirhSq-sMaBW9AQKd0m1wa?dl=0
  14. No , you just need to copy and paste lists you want to use. Main list must have the same name as your database directory and others list must be listed inside the genre.xml
  15. ok , waiting for nplayer.ini 0.178 r0man0
  16. As there is no catver.ini or nplayer.ini file for HbMame , it will be impossible to create full lists but , the main hbmame.xml is possible if you want : http://hypermachine.free.fr/HbMame0.176.7z r0man0
  17. Oh sorry another mistake , all sports genres have been forgetten , I update now
  18. Sorry , false start ! missing some lists , now it's ok Packages 0.175 & 0.176 have been updated with all lists missing. Sorry for thoses who have take the bad one. r0man0
  19. Yes i've already take a look to this topic , I don't know how this files are created , i hope for this guy that he do not does it manually !. my version have unofficial genres lists because of based from catver.ini list. And genres lists are created automaticly by the script for example : My script add a game to the "Shooter" genre list if one of terms "Shooter / 1st person" or "Shooter / 3rd person" is on the game from catver.ini file. My script is not perfect but i check all message from this topic in order to fix bugs or add new functions/lists. Official or not that is the question , you have to try ! With all new genres added the mame all games.xml have 12765 games.(All games genres in this list : Flying,Motorcycle,Beat-'`;Em-Up,Compilation,Educational,Shooter,Rugby,Mature,Handheld Game,Gun,Platform,Shoot-'`;Em-Up,Football,Maze,Soccer,Pinball,Driving,Basketball,Baseball,Miscellaneous,Fruit Machines,Mini-Games,Card Battle,Casino,Wrestling,Puzzle,Tennis,Mahjong,Fighter,Skateboarding,Track &amp`; Field,Pool and Darts,Board Games,Volleyball,Breakout,Horse Racing,Bowling,Golf,Boxing,Quiz,Rhythm,Fishing,Handball,Hockey,Skiing,Water,Sports , Without electromechanical / pinmame games) Now i will update main post with mame0.176_new.version.7z r0man0
  20. Hi , I use catver.ini to create xml genres lists , so there is not terms to find : Adventure , Board Games , Game Show , Multimedia , Party , Role-Playing , Simulation , Spinner , Sports/Biking , Sports/Cricket , Sports/Futuristic , Sports/Hunting , Sports/Olympic ,Sports/Skating , Sports/Snowboarding , Sports/Surfing , Sports/Wakeboarding , Strategy , Utility , Virtual Life But i will update mame xml full list v0.176 with some more genre from official list : Flying , Motorcycle , Beat-'Em-Up , Compilation , Educational , Electromechanical - PinMAME , Shooter , Sports/Rugby I will update lists with officials terms : Shoot- will be Shoot-'em-Up Board will be Tabletop Pool and Darts will be Pool and Dart I will also add some Extras lists : Controls Type , Sound Channels , Buttons , CHD , Cheats Creating new package.... Updating as soon as created r0man0
  21. Where can i find the hyperspin official genre list ? Thanks r0man0
  22. Hi , with my new creation xml method , i've created a new DB_all games for mame 0.175 with total of 12842 games , i will update the mame xml full list 0.175 package with the new one. Is it possible for you to tell me what are the 5 more games i have than your Rocketlauncher local audit from package 0.175 or 0.176? thanks r0man0
  23. I use PD set and i check my set with clrmamepro to have a complete set
  24. Hi , i've rewrited my script in order to use first catver.ini , that seems to be the best option , for mame 0.176 , i've got 12852 games that are not devices,bioses,chd,system... i will update download link in few minutes... r0man0
  25. i've made an automatic script that use catver.ini (http://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/) to keep all the genre exept thoses that contains : Paddle,Electromechanical,Utilities,Game Console,Print Club,Multi-cart Board,Machine,Business Computer,Pocket Computer Games,Terminal Games,Notebook,PDA Games,ComputerPhone Games,Workstation,DVD Reader,SCSI Controller,Barcode Printer,Astrological Computer,Drum Machine,Gambling Board,Audio Sequencer,Portable Media Player,Mobile Phone,Development Computer,Electronic Game,Home Computer,Kit Computer,Matrix Printer,Microcomputer,Punched Card Computer,Single Board Computer,Synthesiser,Training Board,Cash Counter,Clock,Document Processors,Electronic Typewriter,EPROM Programmer,Graphics Display Controller,Network Processor,Printer Handbook,Satellite Receiver,Speech Synthesiser,Word-processing Machine,Handheld Child Computers,Dot-Matrix Display,Test ROM,3D Printer,Graphic Tablet,In Circuit Emulator,DVD Player,Robot Control,Thermal Printer,VTR Control. my actual script (mame0.175 full lists) use the command : mame -listxml >mamexml.txt then i ' ve made filters for machines from this list and check for each filtered machines the genre from catver.ini (that not contains the system list) then write the xml I will try to set different order : check for all machine from catver.ini (that not contains the system list) the machine tag from mamexml.txt then write the xml i think that on this order there will be more results because of less filters. ( but the chd will still not appears because they are not listed on catver.ini ) I will made a test with the mame 0.175 and check the results.If all is ok i will use this method to next release (mame 0.176) My script also use nplayer.ini (http://nplayers.arcadebelgium.be/) so i need to wait for both files to create all lists. r0man0
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