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  1. Ok so I figured it out sorry... some how must have depleted my mame media files... went into new hyperspin download and copied all info into correct mame media files and they work now...I believe it's because I didn't have a themedoes that sound right
  2. Ok so I have tried everything and went through every thread and tutorial and can't figure out why my video snaps are not working... Using hs ver 1.5.1 Hyper hq video path is (C:)hyperspin/ media/ mame/ video/ %1 on 1 Government (Japan)% It matches xml exactly It's in mp4 format and opens with wmp I have tried putting .mp4 and .flv at the end of the file name... If I put it in mame front end intro file and change name to mame it plays on mame wheel intro but won't work for video snap I'm lost any ideas.. anything I'm missing
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