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Everything posted by Inquisitom

  1. Version


    What it does: - made for Hyperspin, HyperSpin 1.4 beta, Hyperlaunch2, Hyperlaunch3 and RocketLauncher - System audit : scan your systems, display/manage the medias (wheels, videos, pointers, etc ...) associated to it - Rom audit : scan your roms, display/manage the medias (wheels, videos, Hyperpause, etc ...) associated to it - Cleanup of your Hysperspin and Hyperpause folders/files. - You can also match found files to your roms in Cleanup ! (v1.4.0.7) Check screenshot - integrated XML editor : with some features like "rom2xml", auto-fill XML entries etc ... - lets you launch a rom directly from HyperLaunch - built-in viewer for images/text/pdfs/videos - drag'n drop to reorder your systems.xml or roms.xml (aka [system].xml) - provides an easy way to add/delete/open HyperPause medias (creates folder if not existing, in the right place) You can add medias : - from a local file in your computer - from the clipboard - from a URL (downloads automatically the image - and puts it at the right place) Etc ... PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS/COMMENTS/REQUESTS HERE PLEASE (<-- click on link)
  2. 2,472 downloads

    What it does: - made for Hyperspin, Hyperlaunch2 & Hyperlaunch3 - System audit : scan your systems, display/manage the medias (wheels, videos, pointers, etc ...) associated to it - Rom audit : scan your roms, display/manage the medias (wheels, videos, Hyperpause, etc ...) associated to it - integrated XML editor : with some features like "rom2xml", auto-fill XML entries etc ... - lets you launch a rom directly from HyperLaunch - built-in viewer for images/text/pdfs/videos - drag'n drop to reorder your systems.xml or roms.xml (aka [system].xml) - provides an easy way to add/delete/open HyperPause medias (creates folder if not existing, in the right place) You can add medias : - from a local file in your computer - from the clipboard - from a URL (downloads automatically the image - and puts it at the right place) Etc ...
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