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  1. Euh ok, sorry, i'm sure it was not crashing HS before but you're right it was never working before but not crashing. i don't want to dedicate the life of nobody, reassure you, sorry to disturb you
  2. Yes that's what i've already do, as i say in previous post without swf it works, i know some thiings don't work like swf wheel etc but before the new beta hyperspin won't crash with these themes so i inform reznnate as he ask the regression with the beta, it may be related with some new library
  3. Yep but a lot of my themes have swf, why these themes particulary crash, and it's for reznnate as he ask what was working before and not now with beta. What is surprising is that somehow i can read these themes with fresh instal
  4. video of crash 20220806_214114.mp4
  5. I've got crash with some games themes, like super mario 1 2 and 3 on NES, it crashes hyperspin as soon i go on, i think it's related with swf in theme. curiously some times with fresh install of hyperspin i can read theme but as hyperspin go on last game i played, if i go in nes after stoping HS it crash
  6. Thanks, i'll wait for your work on SAF, don't want to change all emulator to retroarch.
  7. yep, last shield pro, hyperspin folder on a usb named hyperspin 2to I've done a hard reset on last 9.1 nvidia firmware berfore installing last apk The USB is plugged on the second usb after hdmi, I've got an additionnal ssd plugged on the first usb and formated to be internal space but no hyperspin here. i remember i've seen a post where hyperspin search and the order of search
  8. HI did someone know where is gone "exe=com.explusalpha.Snes9xPlus/com.imagine.BaseActivity" I think i will be the same process for others emulators who don't work That's strange that some others still works
  9. Hi, as i say, navigation by letters is crashing, and large mp4 vids don't play well. Is there a way to use vlc instead like in other front end ? Some emulators are still ok like retroarch plus, but others like nes emu, snes9x,mupen 64,yabasanshiro,redream and others don't work, they works alone so it's the adress in .ini that is no more right, pspp seems to add a "/" in the rom path so don't work neither. I think a list would help everybody. I'm on a shield with factory reset on last 9.1. THX !
  10. #my2022hero Ok, first what a pleasure to see my intro video thx ! As you say lots of emulator don't work anymore but retroarch plus works ! A lot of updates are needed in config files. I have problems with videos themes that are above 100meg, that's new. maybe by updating the ffmpeg package as we can see in the "about" button the version is 2.1. and in this about button you can wrote your name for sure ! When i want to navigate with r triger to choose letters it's crashing Honestly if you can change the logo It's a big win for me, i spent so many time on this and thx again
  11. In case you give up, don't want to, but in case, can you offer us an alternative by opening source ? We really don't want hyperspin to die, anyway thx to give hope again ! Edit : By the way can we participate to help you ? Money ?
  12. The only thing i know is for retroarch plus to access external hdd, i must change cfg : https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/shield-tv/9/482420/android-110-shield-90-app-eg-retroarch-access-to-s/ The default path seems blocked to hdd
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