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  1. Hi, for me it's the version we already have. Wi can find those information File Information Views215 Downloads28 SubmittedJuly 21 File Size17.59 MB File Count 1 Credits Reznnate
  2. Hi, For what i know : 1 . SAF are still not implemented 2 For me the only standalone emulators working with hyperspin are irata (atari jaguar), dolphin (wii and gamecube) and hatari (atari st) all the other i used to use like the .emu emulators (md, snes, pce etc...) and mame4droid still doesn't work with hyperspin 3. version of the apk on android store is the old one (not android 11 compatible)
  3. Hi Reznnate, hope you'r fine Any news about SAF support on hyperspin ?
  4. Hi you just have to delet the old apk and install the new one. Mais attention, certain emulateurs ne se lancent plus en direct avec hyperspin pour l'instant. Pour ma part j'ai du en remplacer plusieurs par des core retroarch en attendant.
  5. https://mega.nz/file/vgATnILR#mYKT_W41xukMpsxb2zb53q5CjkSpw56sgly0GgumbyM
  6. Do you use the hyperspin.apk android11 compatible ?
  7. Hi, hyperspin for android only works with devices with an nvidia processor.
  8. If you want i made a tutorial (in french, but you can translate it) TUTORIEL Hyperspin.doc
  9. @pmindemanni use retroarch 1.77 and yaba san shiro core works with my hyperspin on adroid 11 If you are on android 9 why you don't use yaba san shiro stand alone, it works perfectly with android 9 and can be launch with hyperspin. I give you my ini for android 9Sega Saturn.ini
  10. Yes for me retroarch core for some system is just a plan b, i'm waiting for the saf compatible retroarch version to use standalone emulators again.
  11. Here is my settings, I'm using retroarch 1.77 for all my system exept for psp and tic-80 (i use retroarch +) I have add manually the mame_current, mame 2015 and mame 2016 core. Settings.7z
  12. Hi, for me, my configuration is now 95% working with android 11. I just changed all my standalone emulators with retroarch core. I am using retroarch 1.77 32 bit for most of my systems and retroarch + for ppsspp (because it don't work with retroach 1.77) and for the tic-80. Problems : i used to use mame4droid before and my arcade romset was fully compatible with mame4droid, now i use mame_current core with retoarch and some game are no longer compatible.
  13. Hi, I was able to do some testing with my hyperspin set. The good news is that the version of retroarch I'm using (1.77) works fine without any modification. All cores launch correctly from hyperspin. The irata emulator in standelone (atari jaguar) and hatari (atari st) also works. However, the other emulators (snes9x, all .emu, yaba san shiro, redream, ppsspp ...) do not launch from hyperspin.
  14. Hi, I may have a clue with the Mame4Droid emulator that refuses to launch from hyperspin. I installed the stanley application to see the activities. There is a change: com.seleuco.mame4droid/com.seleuco.mame4droid.MAME4droid seems to be gone. Instead we find things like : Action : android.name=android intent.action.MAIN or : CATEGORY : android.name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER and other things....
  15. Thank you so much for your work @reznnate
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