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  1. Another question... not sure I have seen this yet: There are a number of excellent self contained external (not NoIntro) projects like ExoDOS (dos games), ExoWin (windows) and the Commodore Amiga / 64 (r0man0) which already have GameBase or other custom sets of roms/games and matching media already ready to go. These currently work amazingly with the usability provided by Hyperspin - you can drop them in and automate them with pre-build RocketLauncher scripts. Some of these projects are so far ahead in terms of breath, hard drive images (to prevent disk swapping etc) and matching media it would take years for other projects to catchup. Will HS2 eventually be able to offer this level of customisation?
  2. HI - I am still testing and will keep having questions/issues so will try and consolidate in seperate posts. I have installed latest MAME and pointed at rom sets. Some questions: 1) Searching/returning in large lists: I heard in the live stream/updates full searching is coming - GREAT. Will you also be addressing some minor issues like: when switching from list to artwork view, it returns you to the top of the list. Ideally context should remain. 2) Mame defaults: I installed latest MAME through HQ and great it all installed and metadata downloaded - but it seems the high score plugin is not available by default and 'nag' screen when launching games still appears. Any plans to default these ? Realise No-Nag is a mame patch but hi score is an official plugin (which in this current process I seem to have to launch mame and enable it) - maybe could be an option to turn on and off? 3) Mame Artwork - With all defaults on - i launched Space Invaders and the background artwork was not present - is this a seperate setting - or something we manually have to add? More to come....
  3. Thanks all. Also work in software so realise it is a beta. My main issue given peoples massive collections and GBs of data - if there is a windows rebuild needed (or move to another machine - i.e. test machine to arcade windows box) that should be a straight forward process if possible. i.e. at worst - reinstall new HyperHQ on a new box and point to existing hyperspin folder. Trawling through hidden AppData folder for settings to transfer etc is not great.
  4. Also - i went to create a clean install (seperate Hyperspin install to test HyperHQ against) and it appears that the uninstall in Windows doesnt clean out the user AppData folders it creates. I think I saw that an uninstaller is planned, but would be great if it was truly portable without AppData folders. Similiar to how some of the emulators run with a portable mode.
  5. Hi, Still processing a lot of the Hyperspin 2 changes after viewing the stream. One thing I have always liked about Hyperspin has been the ability to movie it to another windows machine in a portable manner (file system copy). Havin had a quick install of V2, have noticed that it is tied to a windows style installer/uninstaller and shows up in the Add/remove list in Windows. Does this mean it is no longer portable and needs to be installed and setup each time and is tied to a Windows install? Appologies if this question has been answered, I couldn't find it.
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