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How will large rom/games projects (ExoDOS, ExoWIN, r0man0.free.fr) eventually integrate with HS2/HQ?
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48 questions in this forum
Not updating properly
I uninstalled everything to do with HyperHQ and HyperSpin restarted my pc and downloaded the latest and installed again and it only installs 2.0.30 on Windows 11 Pro 24H2. Am I doing something wrong ?
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Media will not cache no matter what I do
I am using overrrides for all my media. All the videos show up perfectly for all games just using the override folders and so do the Main Menu videos, but NONE of the media will show no matter what I try. I have literally spent 2 days trying to get it to show and the best I could get it was 1 main menu wheel showing (see below) Hopefully this is a bug being worked on, as I really don't want to start over again as I have done it about 10 times so far. ps, All Appdata folder and anything else were ALL deleted before I re-installed HyperHQ as well as the registry. I am currently on the latest v2.0.36
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Need some clarity on the following: Override Folder/Getting Systems to show up in Hyperspin
Override feature 1. I can add media to the override folder, And it seems to populate in HLHQ... but it doesnt show up in Hyperspin. Is there a way to manually populate it in Hyperspin? (Wheel media for instance) 2. I added "Dice" as a custom system... and was able to add some wheel media. As a test. In order to add the Mainwheel. Im assuming it would go here? \Media\Systems\_overrides\MainMenu\MainMenuWheel\Dice.png <---- Is this correct? Cause this isnt showing up either. 3. \Media\Systems\_overrides\MainMenu\MainMenuTheme\Dice.mp4 <---- Say I wanted to add a full video theme for Dice. Im guessing it would go here? Custom Systems Ive added a cu…
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Support Arcade parts...
Hi guys. Remember in Hyperspin 1 there was a problem with some arcade parts and you had to use a script for the controller in which you registered the buttons and joystick, or use third-party programs like xpadder or joy2key. At the moment, HyperHQ detects Xin-Mo controllers, but it works incorrectly. When setting up controllers in HyperHQ, the buttons are detected and binding, and the joystick only understands pressing down and to the right... But after launching Hyperspin, Xin-Mo Joystick work press down and to the right, but the buttons do not work at all... I would really like support for arcade parts like Xin-Mo and the like.
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MAME Install Defaults
HI - I am still testing and will keep having questions/issues so will try and consolidate in seperate posts. I have installed latest MAME and pointed at rom sets. Some questions: 1) Searching/returning in large lists: I heard in the live stream/updates full searching is coming - GREAT. Will you also be addressing some minor issues like: when switching from list to artwork view, it returns you to the top of the list. Ideally context should remain. 2) Mame defaults: I installed latest MAME through HQ and great it all installed and metadata downloaded - but it seems the high score plugin is not available by default and 'nag' screen when launching games still …
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A few things....
1. The scraping of media has to improve immensely.... Sega Naomi for instance uses mame roms... and not one game has a logo. 2. How do you add media to a collection? Metal slug collection for instance... These dont recognize with the media manager and therefore nothing can be created... Id like to add a wheel for it... as well as a theme. Or is this something being added later.
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How will large rom/games projects (ExoDOS, ExoWIN, r0man0.free.fr) eventually integrate with HS2/HQ?
Another question... not sure I have seen this yet: There are a number of excellent self contained external (not NoIntro) projects like ExoDOS (dos games), ExoWin (windows) and the Commodore Amiga / 64 (r0man0) which already have GameBase or other custom sets of roms/games and matching media already ready to go. These currently work amazingly with the usability provided by Hyperspin - you can drop them in and automate them with pre-build RocketLauncher scripts. Some of these projects are so far ahead in terms of breath, hard drive images (to prevent disk swapping etc) and matching media it would take years for other projects to catchup. Will HS2 event…
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Hyperspin HQ/2 - Portable Installation?
Hi, Still processing a lot of the Hyperspin 2 changes after viewing the stream. One thing I have always liked about Hyperspin has been the ability to movie it to another windows machine in a portable manner (file system copy). Havin had a quick install of V2, have noticed that it is tied to a windows style installer/uninstaller and shows up in the Add/remove list in Windows. Does this mean it is no longer portable and needs to be installed and setup each time and is tied to a Windows install? Appologies if this question has been answered, I couldn't find it.
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HyperHQ not detecting # in image name ?
Images with # in them do not seem to be detected by HyperHQ
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Kill HyperHQ for Hyperspin 2 ?
This is the startup/exit menu in HyperHQ for Hyperspin Is there a way to add something like this to Hyperspin 2 so it allows us to add a bat file etc to exit HyperHQ.exe and Hyperspin.exe completely, rather than it being stuck in the Task Manager ? FYI, When HyperHQ is closed theJoy2Key.bat file below kills Hyperspin.exe,HyperHQ,Joy2Key and anything else you want to close.
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Single Mode Wheel
Hey Guys, Just curious where the single wheel mode is in the new HyperHQ? For those of us that are only using MAME for our arcade cabinets.
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MAME 0.161 Rom Set Inventory
When I added my MAME wheel I used the same emulator/romset that I had working with Hyperspin 1 and Rocketlauncher (0.161 Rom set and selected Mame version 0.175 during system setup). After synching completed, HyperHQ reports only 3250 games, but when I audit the same romset in Rocketlauncher it reports almost 8,000 games. I realize the setting "merge clones together" may explain some of the discrepancy, but some are clearly missing (Mat Mania and Exciting Hour were two that immediately caught my eye for example. Are the missing games a result of me selecting Mame version 0.175 but pointing to a 0.161 Rom set, or is some other issue at play? Thanks in a…
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HyperHQ still downloading media even when they exist in _overrides folder
HyperHQ is continuing to re-download ALL the media again that already exists in the _overrides folders on v2.0.36
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How to managed metadata
hi, With Hyperspin 1 and RockelLauncher was pretty easy to managed system metadata xml but with Hyperspin 2 i cant find where Hyperspin 2 store the xml for systems metadata !?
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microsoft windows games
how are we launching windows games ? its giving me option retroarch are we using pclaunch through rocket ? I cant get it working ,also still having problems with Steam games also once i deleted and added back showed all games but now getting cant find rom error
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HyperHQ still installing to wrong location v2.0.35 to v2.0.36
FYI, Just updated from v2.0.35 to v2.0.36 and it is still installing to wrong location C:\Program Files instead of D:\Arcade
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Need help. Rebuilt my Wheel Cache... Now I get a grey screen. No hyperspin... How do I fix this?
Need help. Rebuilt my Wheel Cache... Now I get a grey screen. No hyperspin... How do I fix this?
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Where are the settings stored?
I uninstalled HyperHQ I deleted my HyperHQ folders on C:\ and D:\ (because of the multiple install bug) I deleted HyperSpin folder on D:\ When I reinstalled HyperHQ, it still had my login info cached, and the MAME system was still there (which I'm having problems deleting because of the auto-import rom bug) Where is the cached configuration hiding? Why can't all the configuration settings be stored alongside the app and basically be portable like every other front end system? Honestly, this is a straight deal breaker for me. When I click "uninstall" there shouldn't be any configuration left.
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EmuMovies Basic Membership...
Hi guys. I have a question. If I don't have a platinum membership on EmuMovies, do I get no video previews? Even the worst quality ones won't be available? I usually have a basic membership, and you could download some amount of video clips from the site for free in SD quality. If you don't allow regular users to download videos in HyperHQ, then maybe you could at least put screenshots instead? We're back to the problems of membership, synchronization, and the inability to use your media manually..... I have ALL the video prewievs for the systems I need, some downloaded from EmuMovies, many other videos, for Japanese ROMs I made myself or found on other site…
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Problem with update in HyperHQ
Hi Guys. Just installed to a custom drive, works fine. Then a pop said update so i did. It reinstalled hyperhq in c/:programdata/. The original location then was taken over. I have done this twice now and the same happens. Inho
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Move the rom delete button from details to systems menu
Theres one to many clicks.
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View Type default?
Didn't want to record this as a bug. When I change the view type to "list" it works, but it goes back to "artwork view" If I navigate away. Not sure if that's by design or is it supposed to stay defaulted to that last view. Is this normal?
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EmuMovies videos defaulting to C:\Hyperspin on Hyperspin 2 ?
EmuMovies videos are all defaulting to C:\Hyperspin, regardless of the location you setup in HyperHQ (In my case D:\Arcade) When I then copy them from this location back to where all the other media is, they don't show up. Also boxart is not showing in Hyperspin either, even though it's all showing up in HyerHQ Is this a bug or can we only use C:\ to install Hyperspin ?
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Is there a limit on steam library its only showing 50 games i have over 100. : edit btw filter says show all roms
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Emumovies Video Media
Hey Gang! Glad to see you back at it!! I'm a lifetime member for both HS and Emu. Installed HQ (updating regularly) When HQ is getting media (video snaps) from Emumovies for say MAME, my first emulator setup so far, I noticed that it sources the "medium" quality preview video snaps and compared to my previous MAME preview video snaps in my HS-1 media folder I have the HD quality media, which are larger sized files. Now I know I can just copy the HD quality media videos that I have, but future option suggestion which maybe in your plans already is to add the option for HD medias. Unless I missed something? Anyway, everything else is good so …
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