Hello Blur / thanks again for all your work on this / it is great in my cabinet.
I am using the wip2 version now, and I noticed some strange drop in fps. I think it must be something simple, so I will explain it in case you can reproduce it.
1. Firstly if I run JPSalas latest AFM table straight from VP I get 800-850 FPS.
2. If I run it through Hyperpin and the original FPLaunch I get the same 800-850 FPS.
3. If I run it with the wip2 FPLaunch with all pause and loading screens on I get a drop to about 650fps
4. Turn the Loading screen off and I get 800/850fps again. However if I hit Esc and let the countdown get to say 2, then the table drops to about 650 fps.
Therefore it seems to have something to do with showing a loading or exit graphic. Once they have been shown a drop in fps is experienced.
Maybe this has something to do with the memory for the graphic not being cleared, or maybe VP not being in front <always on top>.
I tested some other tables and some are fine, and some are affected. I would have experiemented a bit myself by changing some things in the script but I did all this last night before going on holiday, so I dont have access to my cab now for a week.
There are some really things with VPs fps as we all know where frame increases and decreases are caused by other things running, so it may just be an oddity of my configuration. Will be interested to hear if you can reproduce this one.