Here are some fades made for the latest systems uploaded. Thanks to all creators still making themes 😊
Here is a pack with some start sounds that were missing in the other packs. Just drag it into your media folder and enjoy the console startup sound when you select a system in your main Wheel.
Here is the updated database for IP RetroGamer Magazine. I've uploaded the media too (Wheels updated)
Here is the latest Hbmame Database. I just kept the playable games (no demos nor tests).
Here is the database for Retro Gamer with the latest issues more wheels added.
Here's the database for HBMame 185. Enjoy
Here's the unofficial database for HBMame 180. Enjoy.
New Database for IP Retro Gamer:
Issues 140-152 added, more Retro Gamer annual 2015 and Retro Gamer Book of arcade classics 2015.
The wheels are added on the FTP too under /Unsorted Submissions/IP Retro Gamer/annomatik/Wheel
Thanks to Yardley for submitting locomalito themes. I didn't know nothing about locomalito. This guy made some great work. Please support him if you like those games!
This database didn't include mini games yet.