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Files posted by shinobi68

  1. Here are some fades made for the latest systems uploaded. Thanks to all creators still making themes 😊
  2. Hi
    Here is a pack with some start sounds that were missing in the other packs. Just drag it into your media folder and enjoy the console startup sound when you select a system in your main Wheel.
  3. Hi,
    Here is the updated database for IP RetroGamer Magazine. I've uploaded the media too (Wheels updated)
    104 0
  4. Here is the latest Hbmame Database. I just kept the playable games (no demos nor tests).
  5. Here is the database for Retro Gamer with the latest issues more wheels added.
    107 0
  6. Hi,
    Here's the database for HBMame 185. Enjoy
  7. Here's the unofficial database for HBMame 180. Enjoy.
  8. New Database for IP Retro Gamer:
    Issues 140-152 added, more Retro Gamer annual 2015 and Retro Gamer Book of arcade classics 2015.
    The wheels are added on the FTP too under /Unsorted Submissions/IP Retro Gamer/annomatik/Wheel
    47 0
  9. Hi,
    Thanks to Yardley for submitting locomalito themes. I didn't know nothing about locomalito. This guy made some great work. Please support him if you like those games!
    This database didn't include mini games yet.
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