I was just playing around with a link of Future Pinball.exe. First I tried simply to select the minimize option in the properties - which was not working first time I tried. The window was "normal" and not "minimized" as selected when I started it. Then I tried to deselect the WinXP SP3 compatibility mode and the run as admin option - only one time it worked. After starting Future Pinball the second time, the window was not minimized anymore. I was only playing around with these options and suddenly it worked! I must admit that I did not open the Future Pinball regular editor window again as I think as soon as I do that the minimize on startup would not work anymore. So let's see how long this will work! Why this very very strange behavior of Windows 7????
The screen.bmp is really black! Interesting. This is a driver thing only? I'm using one of the latest driver versions as I had some graphic glitches in Future Pinball with other/older drivers which were totally gone with 306.97! Can you tell me the page where this is discussed? Nevertheless I have a good starting point to investigate! Thank you for the great info!
As for the freezes: All exe's are in native mode (hyperpin, fplaunch, ultravp, hglass), except FuturePinball.exe and VPinball.exe. Only these two use the XP compatibility mode and the run as admin option (I think visual designs are also disabled). It's interesting that if I do not use these options, even more distortions than only the editor window appear while starting Future Pinball! Is it ok to have these two exe's (FP and VP) with compatibility mode or are these two settings also killing HyperPin after some time?