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Files posted by pucpuc

  1. GCE Vectrex - Game Wheel Pack
  2. GCE Vectrex - Main Menu (4:3)
  3. Cart Image Set for Hyperspin, 25 carts included.
    the set could need a professional cleanup.
    feel free to use, change and reupload this set as you like
  4. Box Images Set for Hyperspin, includes 27 boxes.
    the set could need a professional cleanup.
    feel free to use, change and reupload this set as you like
  5. Atari 7800 - Main Menu (4:3)
    Video Snap available from EmuMovies
  6. with red background

    Rename to default - copy to - HyperSpin\Media\Sega Master System\Themes
    Place boxart into artwork 3 folder
    133 0
  7. with blue background.

    boxes go to artwork3
    126 0
  8. Flash by Polemicist
    23 0
  9. boxes go to the Artwork3 folder
    just changed the Logo to Mega Drive for Euro Collections
    344 0
  10. boxes go to the Artwork3 folder
    Rename to Default.zip for use as system theme
    79 0
  11. boxes go to the Artwork3 folder
    Rename to Default.zip for use as system theme
    91 0
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