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Everything posted by ckeech

  1. Figured it out! Here's the correctly formatted list: (P) = Preferred Emulator 1964 (Un-Official Homepage,Emu and Patches) Nintendo 64 AAE (Homepage, Emu, Update #1, Update #2) AAE (P) Anex86 (Homepage, Emu) PC-9801 (used for Touhou) Arnold Amstrad GX4000 Atari800 Atari XEGS Bgb Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Color Big Fish Games Big Fish Games (can use PCLauncher, module is basic) BlueMSX ColecoVision Microsoft MSX Microsoft MSX2 Bsnes (Homepage, Emu 32-bit, Emu 64-bit) Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Satellaview Super Nintendo Entertainment System (P) CCS64 Commodore 64 CDiEmu Philips CD-i (P) Cxbx Microsoft XBOX (P) Cygne Bandai Wonderswan Color Daphne (Homepage, 32-Bit) Daphne (P) Daphne Singe American Laser Games (P) WoW Action Max (P) DCVG5K Philips VG5000 (P) Demul (Homepage, 0.56, 0.56 GPU Plugin, Netplay Plugin, Pad Plugin) (0.57, 0.57 DX11 Plugin) Sammy Atomiswave (P) Sega Dreamcast Sega Naomi (P - but requires makaron for some games) DeSmuME Nintendo DS (P) DICE (Homepage, emu 32-bit, 64-bit) Dice (P) Dolphin (Homepage, 32-Bit, 64-Bit) Nintendo Gamecube (P) Nintendo Wii (P) Dolphin Triforce (Homepage, 32-Bit, 64-Bit) Sega Triforce (P) DOSBox (via Dfend) Microsoft DOS (P) Emu7800 Atari 7800 ePSXe (Homepage, Emu 1.7.0) Sony PlayStation ePV-1000 Casio PV-1000 E-Z Flasher Flash Games Fceux Nintendo Entertainment System Final Burn Alpha Final Burn Alpha NEC PC Engine NEC SuperGrafx NEC TurboGrafx-16 Sega Mega Drive Flash Game Player (custom app) Flash Games Flash Player Projector Flash Games FreeDO Panasonic 3DO FourDO Panasonic 3DO (P) Frets on Fire X Frets on Fire Fusion (Homepage, Emu 32-bit) Sega 32X Sega CD Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Master System Sega SG-1000 (P) Future Pinball (Homepage, Download) Future Pinball Gambatte Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Color GameCom Tiger Game.com GeePee32 GamePark 32 Gens Sega 32X Sega CD Sega Genesis GEST Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Color Handy Atari Lynx Hatari Atari ST ICE64 Nintendo 64 Jaguar Tempest 2000 Emulator Atari Jaguar (Tempest only) Jagulator Atari Jaguar JNes Nintendo Entertainment System JPcsp Sony PSP (P) Kat5200 (Homepage, 32-Bit) Atari 5200 (P) Magic Engine NEC PC Engine NEC PC Engine-CD NEC SuperGrafx NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD Magic Engine FX NEC PC-FX Makaron Sega Dreamcast Sega Naomi MakaronEX Sega Dreamcast Sega Naomi Mame Cave Mame Nintendo Arcade Systems SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo AES Mednafen (Homepage, Emu 32-bit) Atari Lynx (P) Bandai Wonderswan Bandai Wonderswan Color NEC PC Engine (P) NEC PC Engine-CD (P) NEC PC-FX (P) NEC SuperGrafx (P) NEC TurboGrafx-16 (P) NEC TurboGrafx-CD (P) Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Virtual Boy (P) Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Master System SNK Neo Geo Pocket SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Sony PlayStation Super Nintendo Entertainment System Meka Sega Game Gear Sega Master System MESS Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Bally Astrocade ColecoVision (P) Creatronic Mega Duck Emerson Arcadia 2001 Entex AdventureVision (P) Fairchild Channel F GCE Vectrex Magnavox Odyssey 2 Mattel Intellivision RCA Studio II VTech CreatiVision Watara Supervision MFME Multi Fruit Machine Emulator Mjolnir (emu based off Mame 0100 for games based on Namco's System 21, System 22, and Super System 22 hardware) MUGEN (Homepage, MUGEN 1.0) MUGEN (required because some games will not work with PCLauncher) Nebula Sega Model 2 SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo AES NeoPop SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color NeoRaine SNK Neo Geo CD Nestopia (Homepage, Emu 32-bit) Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendulator Nintendo Entertainment System No$GBA Nintendo DS Nostalgia Mattel Intellivision (P) NullDC (Homepage, Emu 1.0.4 r136) Sega Dreamcast (P) (use Makaron for WinCE games) Odyemu Magnavox Odyssey Ootake NEC PC Engine NEC PC Engine-CD NEC SuperGrafx NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD OpenBOR OpenBOR (some games have issues and may not close fully on PCLauncher) Parachute Nintendo Handheld Simulators ParaJVE GCE Vectrex (P) PCLauncher Doujin PC Games (P) PCSX-R Sony PlayStation PCSX2 Sony PlayStation 2 (P) Phoenix Panasonic 3DO PlayGuy Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Color PokeMini SDL Nintendo Pokemon Mini (P) Pop Cap Pop Cap (some games will not close properly with PCLauncher) Project64 (Homepage, Emu 32-bit -- 1.61 Plugin (Homepage, download)) Nintendo 64 (P v1.61) Project Tempest Atari Jaguar ProSystem Atari 7800 (P) PSXFin Sony PlayStation PSXMAME PSXMAME Radikal Bikers Emu Radikal Bikers (emu only plays this one game) RealSpectrum Sinclair ZX Spectrum Regen Sega Genesis Retroarch Nintendo Game Boy Advance Super Nintendo Entertainment System ScummVM (Homepage, Emu 32-Bit) ScummVM (P) Sega Model 2 Emulator (Homepage, Emulator) Sega Model 2 Snes9x Super Nintendo Entertainment System Snes9xPP Nintendo Satellaview SNESGT Nintendo Satellaview Spectaculator Sinclair ZX Spectrum SSF (Homepage, Emulator, Other Versions) Sega Saturn (P) Sega ST-V (mame may do better for this hardware) Steam Big Picture Steam Big Picture Steem Atari ST Stella (Homepage, Emu 32-bit, Emu 64-bit, 32 & 64bit No Installer) Atari 2600 (P) SuperModel Sega Model 3 T98-Next PC-9801 (used for Touhou) Taito Type X Taito Type X (cannot use PCLauncher) Turbo Engine 16 NEC PC Engine NEC PC Engine-CD NEC SuperGrafx NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD TwoMbit Sega Master System Sega Game Gear U64Emu Platinum Edition Ultra64 (only plays Killer Instinct 1 & 2) UNZ FM Towns Virtual Aquarius Mattel Aquarius Virtual Jaguar Atari Jaguar (P) VisualBoyAdvance-M Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Advance (P) Nintendo Game Boy Color Visual Pinball Visual Pinball VivaNonno VivaNonno (Only plays Ridge Racer 1 & 2 and Rage Racer) WinArcadia Emerson Arcadia 2001 (P) WinApe Amstrad CPC Amstrad GX4000 WinKawaks SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo AES WinUAE Commodore Amiga (P) Commodore Amiga CD32 (P) Commodore Amiga CDTV (P) WinUAELoader Commodore Amiga WinX68k High-Speed Sharp X68000 WinVICE Commodore 64 Xebra Sony PlayStation XM6 Sharp X68000 Yabause Sega Saturn Zinc Zinc ZSNESw (Homepage, Emu 32-bit) Super Nintendo Entertainment System ZXSpin Sinclair ZX Spectrum
  2. Love this list! It's helped me heaps! Just looked at it again and have recommended it, however, the formatting has gone all crazy with the forum update.
  3. Thanks djvj! I was having issues finding a SNES emulator for my setup. I always used zsnes in the past however I am having some problems. B.O.B graphics issues: A sound problem with Mortal Kombat: I then tried snes9x which fixed up B.O.B but had worse sound issues for Mortal Kombat. Your recommended emulator or bsnes has both working. Thank you!
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