This is my set of manually remastered 16:9 HD AAE themes. I try to pay as much attention to detail in my remasters as possible, redrawing or replacing artwork where necessary to optimize aesthetics for a HD widescreen display. All artwork is smoothed and the visual space has been manually re-optimized theme by theme to ensure themes look as natural as possible in 16:9. Flash animations have also been painstakingly resized. Finally, I check each theme one by one before uploading. If you find any flaws, please bring them to my attention and I will fix them for the next release. Cheers.
To install these themes simply place them in your :/HyperSpin/Media/AAE/Themes/ folder and overwrite or backup any existing files.
Please see conversion and update notes for additional details as to changes made to each individual theme. If a theme isn't listed in the notes, the conversion was fairly trivial and didn't require anything worth mentioning.
I spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on 16:9 theme conversions that I'll be uploading. I hope you enjoy them.
Available on HyperSync
This is my set of manually remastered 16:9 American Laser Games themes. I wouldn't quite call these ones HD yet but they're a nice step up from the defaults. I've replaced some artwork with higher quality versions and optimized positioning and theme animation. All artwork is smoothed.
To install these themes simply place them in your :/HyperSpin/Media/American Laser Games/Themes/ folder and overwrite or backup any existing files.
Available on HyperSync
Congrats to the winners and all participants of HyperScore #55!
My attempt at humour for this HyperScore Trophy Theme! Congratulations to iNTiGOD on his win!
16:9 and 4:3 versions included.
Congratulations to RetroHumanoid! This package contains both the 4:3 and the 16:9 version of the trophy theme within it.
Themes include Background Music mp3. Follow readme instructions for extraction
Felt the need to do as part of ongoing developments but thought I'd take the time to upload it for anyone on 16:9 who wished they could use the default artwork. Cheers!
A 16:9 HD conversion of Suhrvivor's recently released Dark Souls II theme.
@Suhrvivor Hope you don't mind! I wanted a shot of it with the video going and figured I should upload.
My HD 16:9 frontend Exit/Favourites menus. USA spelling (ie. "Favorites"). Enjoy!
My HD 16:9 frontend Exit/Favourites menus. UK/Canada spelling (ie. "Favourites"). Enjoy!
This should be a full set of authentic Sega Dreamcast discs, or at least as close to that as is presently available.
Widescreen HD 16:9 system default theme adaptation of Klopjero's Amstrad GX4000 theme.
Widescreen 16:9 Amstrad GX4000 pointer.
Avar's plated 16:9 Amstrad GX4000 main menu wheel.
Widescreen 16:9 Amstrad GX4000 main menu wheel.
SWF-smoothed HD widescreen 16:9 adaptation of Klopjero's original 16:9 Amstrad GX4000 main menu theme.
Widescreen 16:9 conversion of default Amstrad GX4000 letters.
Note: Previews are 75% width than these will display normally in HyperSpin.
Plated widescreen 16:9 Amstrad GX4000 game wheels.
Widescreen 16:9 conversion of default Amstrad GX4000 wheel art.
16:9 conversion of Amstrad GX4000's default cart art.
16:9 Widescreen conversion of BWheble's 3D Amstrad GX4000 Box Art.
This is as complete a Watara Supervision set as I have at this time. It contains:
Main Menu Theme
Main Menu Wheel
Default System Theme
Game Wheels
Game Boxes
To install this set extract the rar to to your HyperSpin directory and all of the files will go to where they're needed so it just works. Set includes some of the original 4:3 art and some variants in case you want it.
This system is still a work in progress but I hope this helps in the meantime. Enjoy!
This is the default 4:3 Watara Supervision main menu theme. To install it, simply copy this fileto your :/HyperSpin/Media/Main Menu/Themes/ folder and overwrite or backup any existing file.
American Laser Games 16:9 laser grid plated game wheels. To install, simply extract in your :/HyperSpin/Media/American Laser Games/Images/Wheel/ folder.
American Laser Games 16:9 game wheels. To install, simply extract in your :/HyperSpin/Media/American Laser Games/Images/Wheel/ folder.