Version 1.0.0
Golden Axe Myths is a remake of Golden Axe, the classic action game for arcades and 16-bit consoles.
You can choose from four different characters, each with unique abilities and specific weapons. You can even play with several friends on one single computer. A dwarf, an Amazon, and two warriors are the characters that can take you to glory.
Both the gameplay and the enemies are very similar to the original game. You can do normal attacks, jump, use magic, and fight ruffians of all shapes, sizes, and colors. From soldiers with hammers to giants wearing heavy armor ... they're all there.
The graphics are quite different on this remake. The character models have a cartoon-like aesthetic that is really well done, but doesn't match the general violence in the game.
Golden Axe Myths is a really fun game that offers lots of hours of entertainment, as well as a gameplay that never goes out of fashion.